5 Signs it’s time to call in the manpower experts


Recruitment is the lifeblood of any company aiming to be successful. As the business grows, so is the need for more manpower, and any reasonable employer would set aside time and resources to get the best hires possible. However, there may be situations where it might just be better to call in the experts instead of doing it all by yourself.

  1. Hiring is becoming too high-investment

When hiring, you and your staff spend precious time deciding what you want in an employee, planning the job listings and interview questions, scheduling interviews and going over resumes. If you feel that you simply don’t have enough time or feel like you’re taking too much that it’s interfering with other core functions, then maybe it’s time to outsource it to recruitment agencies and take the load off you and your staff’s backs.

2. You have a track record of getting bad hires

Bad hires can happen to anyone, but when it becomes a trend, you should start thinking where you went wrong. Maybe your sense of judgment hasn’t been honed yet, or your criteria is flawed, or you don’t have enough info on your candidate. In that case, getting a recruitment agency to do it for you saves you the wasted resources and you can learn more about hiring efficiently from someone whose job is to do it every day.

3. You can’t get applicants in the first place

No one is applying to your job postings, or even worse, no one is seeing them. This is especially a problem for small businesses or startups, as famous ones already have the advantage of visibility and brand power. Recruitment agencies have connections that can help get your company’s name out there, as well as places from where to source candidates.


4. Uncertainty over hiring requirements

When your business starts to boom, you may encounter staffing needs that you haven’t encountered before. There may also be certain tasks that require some specialized skills that you and your staff aren’t too familiar with. To prevent mistakes and taking up too much time learning something outside your forte, you can just leave it to the expert recruiters. They have recruited for many types of professions before, and they have the means of knowing what traits are best for a candidate in a certain job position.

5. They have more experience and better hiring practices

It is their specialty, after all, and they continuously find and innovate new ways to make the process easier and more effective. They have refined how to best screen a candidate through tools such as self-developed skill tests, applicant tracking systems (ATS), software specialized for recruitment, etc. They also know the best places to post job offers, databases of potential hires, and what criteria needs to be met for the needed spot to fill.

Recruitment agencies such as Q2 Hiring Solutions often have different ways of approaching the complex task of job recruitment. Q2 offers a People4People service which gets you the right candidates for the job and also manages them for you. People4People is composed of both Managed Service and Build, Operate and Transfer:

Managed Service

  • Targeted Sourcing And Selection Of Talent

  • Volume Recruitment And Mass Hiring

  • End-to-End People Management

Build, Operate & Transfer

  • Scalable service to support start-up operations

  • Business reviews and client calibration

  • Time-bound business operations

With People4People, experts accompany you each step of the way, from looking over what jobs you need filled, to finding and screening candidates that both fulfill the requirements of the job and your company, to overseeing their performance each day.

Every business is different, and some may opt to do the hiring themselves while some take the option of hiring someone else to do it. As an employer, your goal is to figure out what best suits your current situation and what you think best benefits your company and staff.


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