The value of experts in putting together a remote team


The remote team, while not a new development, has been unexpectedly thrust into the mainstream as the pandemic pushed the workplace into the virtual realm. There is a lot of trial and error in finding and managing the best remote team for the company, and if you wish to get your team up and running as soon as possible, you may want to tap into experts to get the job done.


The most important requirement for a remote team is trust between the employer and the team. With no face-to-face monitoring or intervention, you would just have to trust that they will do their jobs and not outright sabotage or scam you. They would have to have the self-discipline to complete their tasks by their own initiative and at the same time be able to cooperate with their fellow teammates. Expert hiring companies would have already screened and pooled the best candidates that will not slack off or betray the company, skipping the guesswork you’d have to do if you recruit by yourselves.

Company fit

Similar to face-to-face, remote teams would also need to merge well with your company’s practices, cultures, etc. Compatibility may be hard to achieve when each person is physically distant from each other, as well as the limitations of online channels and calls. Experts tackle this problem by determining their client’s preferences when hiring and taking them to consideration when selecting hires.

International reach

With remote teams, physical restraints are a lot more lenient. You can hire people from far-flung places or even abroad. There are some challenges to face with this, however. One is time zones--your working hours may be someone’s sleeping hours. Another is cultural considerations. Outside your home city or country, there are a lot of different beliefs and attitudes that you may not have taken into account, and which hiring companies strive to account for.


Remote hiring practices

A virtual environment would require a lot more from the hire in order for them to get employed. Skills with virtual tools and software are one, and also is Internet connection and gadget reliability. Skill-based jobs that require demonstration would have to find an alternative way of measuring if the candidate is up to the task. It’s a new testing ground of what works and what doesn’t, and experts have developed their own array of tools such as virtual job tryouts, applicant tracking systems, and many more to optimize the process.

Choosing the right hiring company for a remote team can be difficult, as it is still relatively new and the working world is still testing things out. Q2 Hiring Solutions and their People 4 People services provide DOLE-compliant third-party people management for operations, allowing you to focus on core operations while the experts step in and take care of recruitment matters. People 4 People offers the following:

Managed Service

  • Targeted Sourcing And Selection Of Talent

  • Volume Recruitment And Mass Hiring

  • End-to-End People Management

Build, Operate & Transfer

  • Scalable service to support start-up operations

  • Business reviews and client calibration

  • Time-bound business operations

Aside from screening and selecting hires, People 4 People will also oversee the day-to-day performance of your remote team, ensuring that they integrate into the company smoothly and swiftly and deliver quality results. The service will also cover all the required legal documentation, including registration requirements, to speed up the process and make it easier for everyone. Speed, adaptability and quality are all critical to a COVID-era business, and Q2 is well-equipped in these departments to offer the best hiring services possible.

The end of COVID will not mean the end of remote teams, now that businesses are seeing how convenient and effective they are, as well as technology improving every single day. Therefore, knowing who to go for when building a remote team will be a great asset for any company who has the future in mind.


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