How HR can promote the mental well-being of employees during a crisis


In today’s time, many workplaces have realized how crucial it is to promote the mental well-being of their employees. Nurturing a positive and healthy work environment results in improved performance and an increase in productivity. However, when crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic come into play, mental health issues become more intense and apparent.HR staff must put in double the effort and explore different measures to ensure the safety and welfare of the employees, especially in remote work set-ups. 

Written below are a few ways HR can address the employees’ emotional challenges and provide for their needs during a crisis. 

Reintroduce the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Investing in an extensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a must in the modern corporate world. An EAP offers a wide array of benefits and services, including mental health coverage, which can help employees to resolve their respective problems. Working from home can hinder HR from accurately gauging the stress and anxiety levels of the employees. As such, it is important to remind them that they can receive whatever help they may need through the company’s EAP. 

However, many might be hesitant to utilize the EAP due to the stigma associated with therapy. HR professionals also have the duty to normalize talking about mental health in the workplace. They can do this by role-modeling or communicating openly about their own mental health concerns to the employees. Saying something like, “I’m getting quite stressed over this task” will let them know that they are not alone with their negative feelings and motivate them to air out their worries.


Keep in touch and be more understanding

Although this may sound like a given—whether or not a crisis is on-going —working remotely can be a terribly isolating experience. Not to mention that without the usual boundaries in place, many employees can feel overwhelmed with having to juggle the unprecedented demands at home and at work, all at the same time. 

When the stress is beginning to peak, HR can uplift the spirit of the employees by encouraging them to take a breather and allot time for themselves. During virtual meetings, they can do quick check-ins to assess the employees’ current mood and conditions. Conducting wellbeing seminars may also be a more in-depth way to foster a deep connection within the workforce. These seemingly simple acts can reassure employees that they are truly being supported and cared for by the company.

Keeping communication lines open and highlighting the importance of self-care will give employees the strength to escape the rut they are in and hit the ground running.

Take advantage of technology and digital tools

Some companies have innovated their mental health resources by making use of VR or AR technology to develop mental health exercises which allow employees to de-stress at work. Understandably, not all HR departments have the budget to afford such technology. Fortunately, in this digital age, there is an abundance of cheaper yet effective alternatives that can be adopted instead. 

For instance, health tracking devices or wellness apps can assist HR in monitoring the well-being of each employee and the organization in general. Although technology cannot be a fix-all solution to every mental health issue, it can serve as a crutch to manifest the efforts of HR to promote and implement mental health interventions. 

By keeping employees in tip-top shape both physically and mentally, a company can navigate through the uncertainties of a crisis much better and faster, and emerge stronger. 


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