Making the decision about hiring the decision-makers. Why you need to outsource the search for your executives.


In a fast-paced and dynamic world, having the right leadership team can be a game-changer for your company. Finding the right people to occupy the company’s executive floor is crucial.  But is filling this position something you should outsource?  Why should outsiders be involved in finding people to fill your C-suite openings?

Executive search firms have access to an extensive network of possible candidates for a variety of positions.  They have access to people who may not be actively searching but may actually be the right fit for your company.  Let’s face it, C-level executives are usually not the type to comb through social media job posts or various job portals.  Outsourcing the hiring process to professionals can provide you with candidates who may not have discovered your job opening otherwise.  In fact, the best person may already be employed by the competition. 

This is where outsourcing becomes an advantage.  They can expand the pool of applicants, and connect you to people who would not have known about your hiring needs otherwise.  They don’t need to wait for someone to answer an ad or call about an opening.  They will go out and look for the person on your behalf.  And, the more options you have the better decision you can make and the more likely you are to hire the best possible candidate, not just the most available one.

Letting an outside company take charge of the search and placement of key company personnel also gives you access to their expertise and other proprietary tools that will better screen, vet, and assess a candidate not only based on skill but other important factors like their background and personal history.  This way you will know not only if this person is qualified for the job but will also help determine if he or she fits the company culture.  The last thing you want is to hire someone based only on their resume without necessary due diligence on cultural alignment.


While yes there are significant costs involved in outsourcing your hiring needs, these costs are also mitigated by the experience, expertise, and tools they bring to the table.  In fact, data over the past 30 years shows that the benefits of using executive search to hire leadership far outweigh the costs.  And prove to be more than worth it when you are able to truly find the best candidate for the job.

Q2 HR Solutions has over 20 years of experience filling C-Suite vacancies in a variety of industries.  We have assembled a team of highly experienced consultants each of whom brings an extensive network of possible candidates to fill any senior leadership vacancy.  We also use globally recognized psychometric assessments such as Kenexa, Psytech International, and Strengths Finder.  All these combined allow us to help you find you the right person to occupy those corner offices with the urgency and quick turnaround that executive positions require, regardless of how complex your requirement may be. 

Outsourcing the search for your company leadership is a very important decision and we can all agree that it’s a lot more challenging than hiring for lower or mid-level positions.  After all, you’ll be turning over your company to this person, hoping he can help you take it to the next level.  Knowing that, shouldn’t you let experts give you a hand?


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