When is the best really the best? Let the experts weigh in.


These days, people are typically recruited through popular job portals such as LinkedIn or JobStreet. These sites provide recruiters with an easy way to reach out to potential candidates, all while allowing a business to boost its branding through their profile. Though recruiting through popular channels has proven effective in many cases, the truth is that sometimes the right people aren’t on these platforms at all.

In some cases, perhaps the right candidate still works for a competitor or is simply not actively looking for a job at the moment. Businesses will then have to cast a wider net.

In the article below, we’ll be going over the best ways to do just that.

Hiring referrals are the best way to hire

Referrals are not only cheaper and faster, but they are also more trustworthy, stay longer, and are usually happier. You don’t go through traditional methods that make you spend on traditional recruitment costs and internal labor costs. They will go on board with your company faster than those you can hire through careers sites or job boards.  When you hire someone through referral, you and the hire will feel like your friends. This ensures that you are someone who is on board and who will stay longer in your company. There will be lower turnover rates.

Statistics show that if you have a referral program, you have an average retention rate of 46%. New hires who come from employee referrals tend to start their jobs sooner than other hires. They start after 29 days, while candidates from career sites start after 55 days and those on job boards start after 39 days. Based on these we can say that you can hire someone more trustworthy and efficient for the position if you hire them through referral.


Outsourcing recruitment

Outsourcing recruitment carries with it a plethora of benefits, including but not limited to: reduced time-to-hire (an agency can concentrate entirely on hiring), increased scalability (a great option for companies whose hiring needs are seasonal), and analytics provided by the outsourcing agency.

Though outsourced recruitment is often done when a business is going through a transition period—like a merger or acquisition—it’s also a great option for businesses who want to focus on other business-critical functions like sales or customer service.

 Fortunately, there are solutions out there that make outsourcing recruitment easier than ever. For example, our Search function leaves recruitment up to expert headhunters with decades of experience, saving businesses precious time and money. We even have a team totally dedicated to Executive Search, filling high-level positions with the best talents that are sourced and pre-screened specifically to your business’ needs.

Join groups and associations

Networking isn’t limited to just individuals. Networking within industry groups and associations can explore your business to a wider range of talent, allowing even for the possibility for sourcing talent from the competition.

You can join groups based on the types of candidates you search for. If you specialize in the business process outsourcing recruitment, you might want to join groups dedicated to that sector. Even something as simple as joining a LinkedIn group, which is often very professional and organized, can go a long way.

In conclusion, there are multiple ways for a business to cast a wider net when they’re recruiting. These methods range from quick solutions like joining industry-focused LinkedIn groups to partnering up with a recruitment agency. Either way, the message is clear: there’s no excuse for not being able to ramp up your company’s recruitment initiatives.


Do you really know who you’re looking for? It’s all about the job description!


Making the decision about hiring the decision-makers. Why you need to outsource the search for your executives.