The 5 traits every business leader should have


Businesses worldwide continue to face the challenges brought upon by COVID-19 and the new world that sprung from it. More than ever, companies need competent business leaders not only to meet company goals, but also to uplift and empower their teams in these trying times. What exactly does a business leader have to be in this current climate?

  1. Superb managerial ability

With the pandemic accelerating the pace of the work environment, things may change at the drop of a hat--emergencies, client demands, new offers--and it is your job to address all these swiftly and dutifully to prevent delays and grab opportunities. Being organized and rigorous helps you keep track of everything and maximizes the limited hours of the day you have.

It is also your responsibility to look out for your team as well. Keep a close eye on them and see if they did their tasks, if they’re having trouble, if certain needs are met, etc. Your team’s well-being is high-priority, and a leader who treats employees as individuals and not only as workers gains their respect and trust.

2. Flexibility

In the current VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, being flexible is a requirement for business leaders everywhere. Not everything will be according to plan, and so you must have the presence of mind to make well-thought decisions on the spot when it counts, and not panic and fold when things don’t go the way you expected.

Being innovative is the name of the game. Unexpected problems give way to unexpected solutions. The pandemic has shown us how businesses have adapted through means never really considered before. Innovation is made from ideas, and consulting with your team may offer you the potential answer to a difficult issue.


3. Effective communicator

To be clear, concise and detail-laden when communicating keeps the workplace running and limits misunderstandings and mistakes. Communication is also important for team building. Be honest, transparent and accountable. Social distancing has made it hard to connect with each other, but it should not stop you from fostering an environment where you and your team can build amiable relationships.

This also extends outside the workplace. Be proactive in seeking out people that can help your business in any way. Clients, stakeholders, media--these can all help make headway for your business, and it requires a good conversation or two to make an impression and be able to strike deals with them.

4. Perseverance

There are times where things just don’t work out, and COVID-19 is a living reminder of this harsh fact. That is why it is important to be passionate in what you do, to have a vision and work hard to materialize it. This rapidly-changing world makes it so that there might just be a solution around the corner, so don’t miss it. A discouraged leader also discourages employees, so keep your chin up and project an encouraging figure that is determined to make it no matter what.

5. Eager to learn

To improve your business, you must keep learning. Workshops, webinars and consultations are there to upskill and gain more experience. Be educated about your industry, on possible trends and issues that you may deal with later on. Keep an open mind on what may be possible, rather than stick to pre-established practices. Do not neglect your team as well--share your knowledge and skills with them, and watch them propel your business to further horizons.

To be a great business leader is to be skilled both in the workplace and with people, to adjust and improve, and to be wise and kind. In the current era of uncertainty and volatility, such business leaders rise to the top and make waves to society.


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