Ways to Support Employee Mental Health in the Workplace

When it comes to employee mental health and overall well-being in the workplace, companies have a variety of options available to support them that are both practical and successful.

First and foremost, it's important to promote an environment where employees' mental health is valued rather than stigmatized by conducting a survey of the workforce, revising policies and procedures to incorporate mental health and well-being, and establishing a thorough Employee Assistance Program to help those who are struggling with mental health issues.

Second, ensure that line managers get training that is both effective and compassionate so that they can recognize the signs of mental health problems and respond in the right way to help, diagnose, and set up a referral program for employees who are challenged with their mental health concerns. 

Third, understand that, if embraced, the transferable talents and worth of life experiences with employees who had mental health problems can actually strengthen the organization's capability to address them. The difficulty in many organizations is the propensity to avoid rather than embrace mental health. It's not something to shy away from but supported instead. Employers can take any of those actions into consideration. The fundamental issue is that people in organizations are reluctant to discuss this subject voluntarily for fear of stigma and being let go. Hence, an open culture within the enterprise that actively encourages people to come forward is another useful strategy. Companies need to build a culture that avoids prejudice, facilitates disclosure, and espouses equal opportunity and we at Q2 HR Solutions can help you with that. 

Q2’s years of experience in human resources enable companies to address employee mental health and well-being concerns. With our pool of HR and organizational development experts and partners, we can work together in achieving your desired results. Our suite of HR solutions tailored-fit to your requirements ensures that we address your specific needs.  

Start making a difference now by learning more about our services. Visit www.Q2@HRSolutions.com or you may reach us at info@q2hrs.com and/or at our telephone number (02) 8889-6258. 

Be our partner in making Human Resources a competitive advantage. 


Dr. Philip McCrea

About the writer: 

Ferdinand A. A. Limbo, “Ferdie” is a Management Consultant for the Office of the Managing Director at Q2.  He has over 28 years of experience as a consultant and a C-Suite executive in the industries of HR Services, Facilities Services and Management, Engineering Consultancy, BPO/Contact Center, Retail-Wholesale and Distribution, and Condiments Manufacturing industries, among others, achieving winning results.Ferdie attended an MBA program at The Royal Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. 

Please send any comments, questions, or requests for advice on HR matters to Ferdie at ferdie.limbo@q2hrs.com 

Ferdie Limbo

Ferdinand A. A. Limbo, ‘Ferdie’ is a Management Consultant, Office of the MD at Q2. He has over 28 years’ experience achieving winning results. Ferdie attended an MBA program at The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas.


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