Hiring during the pandemic: how outsourcing can help you make the right decisions.


Managing a company during the pandemic comes with its own share of challenges, and one of them is the hiring process. Employers find themselves swamped with graduates fresh out of online classes, laid-off employees, job switchers, etc. If you find that you’re struggling with finding the best candidates, you can utilize outsourcing as an alternative to ease your workload.

What is outsourcing? Simply put, to outsource is to offload a portion of the work usually done in-house to a third party. Many tasks can be outsourced, such as data entry, customer service, accounting, marketing, event management, and many more. To do them in-house would require investments in time, capital, training, and labor, and for some, these may not be feasible or not to their best interests. In that case, they would instead contact an outsourcing company and establish a contract to ensure that the work will be done. This way, employers can free up time and resources for more important core functions.

Apart from cost-cutting, outsourcing also provides a reliable way of increasing the quality of your services. Outsourcing companies are designed to take on the jobs they were meant to do, with extensive knowledge and resources and skilled experts on deck. Rather than taking on tasks that your in-house staff is not too well-versed with, you can reduce the risk and outsource it to someone who is equipped with more experience.

Another benefit of outsourcing is its flexibility. You choose when you start to outsource, what jobs you will be outsourcing, and for how long and how much of the work is to be outsourced. In uncertain times such as COVID-19, being adaptable to the situation and delegate resources to wherever it is necessary will help propel your company in the right direction. Outsourcing can be used to gain an advantage in the market or handle unexpected changes in the economic arena.



If you are planning to outsource, then it is important that you choose the right partner to make sure that your goals are met. Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies uses a specialized Recruitment by Design process which finds the right person for the right job, at the right time.

  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing

    Outsource your recruitment operations to dedicated recruiters, who will optimize the recruitment process and source and screen candidates fit for the job

  • Custom Build Recruitment Design

    Manage the recruitment process according to your needs, preferences, and requirements.

  • Extensive Talent Screening

    Candidates are sourced and pre-screened rigorously to guarantee the best of the best


 Q2's Executive Search Team scouts talents to fill a variety of positions, ranging from both managerial and executive down to staff and assistant managers. Recruitment by Design follows a tried-and-tested process that guarantees the quality of their selections:

  • Calibration

    Close collaboration with clients to broaden potential talent base

  • Interview and Selection

    Candidate interviews will be based on your specific needs and company culture

  • Sourcing

    Q2 uses a functional approach to finding talents, believing that skills are transferable

  • Analysis

    Makes full use of candidate trackers, business reviews, and saturation reports to analyze talent potential 

COVID-19 adds an additional layer of difficulty to the hiring process, alongside many other pressing concerns that may overwhelm you as an employer. Through outsourcing, it is possible to achieve what you need to do while having the time and resources for other matters, as long as you choose the right partner to join you along the way.


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