How HR experts can ensure hiring confidence in employers


The late Peter Drucker, the father of management thinking, once said in 1999 that the most valuable asset of a 21st-century institution, whether business or non-business, will be its knowledge workers and their productivity. His insight still holds true today; the skill of employees accounts for 85% of a company’s assets, making employee efficiency and talent the drivers of growth in every organization. Companies such as Apple, Google, and Zoom invest in the skills and well-being of their employees, which is why they’re able to reach immense success.

Certainly, it pays to invest in your employees, but how exactly can you filter quality talent even as early as the hiring stage? This is where HR experts come into play.

Hiring competent employees can be quite a challenge, but it need not be so long as you have a reliable HR partner by your side. In this blog, we’ll go over the benefits of outsourcing recruitment and staffing, and services so that you can determine how you can best hire quality talent for your organization.

Benefits of outsourcing recruitment and staffing services

Of course, one of the major takeaways from outsourcing recruitment and staffing services is gaining quality candidates. Whether you’re trying to fill in full-time, part-time, or contractual positions, recruitment agencies have all the right tools and resources to help you find talents who meet your requirements and uphold values that align with your organization’s culture.

Moreover, tapping an HR expert can help you filter good candidates from bad ones. In this way, you can avoid hiring candidates that are only impressive on paper but lackluster in action. According to a Harris Interactive poll, 41% of companies reported that the cost of a bad hire is greater than $25,000 or Php1.2 million. These figures alone show that it’s crucial to have an expert carefully look at job applicants.


Aside from gaining quality hires, having an HR partner can help you reduce costs in terms of advertising, interviewing, background checking, skills testing, and more. What most people don’t know is that companies allocate a large budget to pay for job board fees, recruitment software, job fair booths, and more―all of which can be resolved by outsourced recruitment agencies.

With much of the hiring responsibilities passed on to an HR expert, you can now focus on your core business. Oftentimes, hiring the right people can take up a lot of time and effort, thus delaying productivity in the workplace. A Glassdoor Economic Research report pointed out that, depending on the industry, the average hiring process takes around 23 days. Dedicating the hiring process to an HR partner can then take some load off of your shoulders so that you can focus on equally important matters, regardless if they’re for internal or external operations.

Finding a reliable HR partner

Hiring qualified employees can be a breeze with the right HR partner by your side. At Q2 HR Solutions, we help our clients find the right candidates for their organization through our Hiring Basix package, which comprises comprehensive pre-and post-employment background screening services such as employment verification, character reference check, global data search, and credit check, among other things. With these services, we ensure that our clients can have confidence in hiring new employees, as well as security in finding the right talent for them.

With the right employees on board, it can surely help your business survive and thrive in the long run. As your organization grows, make sure to invest in your employees’ skills and prioritize their entire well-being.


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