The Basics to Making Your Employees Stay


Though leaving things behind is part of life, many companies still want to figure out why their employees leave. The intent behind this is not to judge employees (or ex-employees, rather) for their decision to leave, but instead, it’s to know if the company has things, they can improve on to make their employees stay.

Here are some of the most common ways to encourage employees to stay:

Remind them they matter

 Telling your employees how thankful you are for them can go a long way. It may seem insignificant but telling them “you’re such an efficient worker” and “I’m glad you’re here” can mean a lot to your people!

The worst feelings an employee can have is when they don’t feel like they make a difference. In big companies with a high headcount, many employees leave for this exact reason. In 2017, a study showed that 66% of employees would likely leave their companies if they felt underappreciated.

It’s important then to constantly remind your people of their contributions, and how much you appreciate everything they’ve done. Showing your gratitude and appreciation through big things will of course make an impact, but even the smaller things count as well.


Make sure they feel like they belong

Each employee has a different personality, and each company will have a different kind of workforce. Thus, it’s possible that the employee just might not mesh well with a certain company. It can be hard to stay in a friend group where you don’t feel like you belong, and this logic applies to companies as well.

However, there can be a workaround to it. A flexible company that will do its best to accommodate different personalities can create an environment that can benefit all one way or another. This way, though the differences may remain, an employee can somehow settle in within the company knowing they have a place there.


Treat them fairly

Most companies today follow a hierarchical structure with set leaders each having their own co-leaders and team members. However, just because someone sits above them in ranking doesn’t mean they should be treated any less.

Fair treatment is not only on how employers speak to their employees but also in the action as they express themselves to their employees. No employee should have more workload than what is expected of their rank and job description. Similarly, employees should be properly compensated for any overtime or extra work, regardless of their ranking.

Unfair treatment will not only fester negative feelings in an employee, but it can also stop their career and personal growth. It can also affect their mental and physical health, burning them out and driving them to seek out better opportunities that they are sure to exist somewhere.


Talk to them

The simplest thing to do is communicate with them and ask them directly what you can do to make them stay. Sometimes, your employees need more guidance over something. Other times, they have some personal issues they would require time off. Communicating with them is an act that will never get old as you try to get your employees to stay.

Knowing what makes employees leave ultimately leads to finding out what makes them stay. Each employee is different; they have different lives, different priorities, and different needs. Even so, the company can always try to meet them halfway, both for their benefits and the employees.


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