Performance Appraisal: What It Is and Why It Is Important in the Workplace


The success of every business depends on your employees' hard work and dedication. But how do you ensure your employees are performing at their best? One of the most essential tools at your disposal is performance appraisal. This gives your staff detailed feedback on their work and contribution to your company.

By having a clear picture of your employee's performance, you can better make important decisions like promoting people, handing over extra responsibilities, and letting someone go.

If you need help navigating the performance appraisal process, Q2 HR Solutions has you covered. This guide explains what it is, how it works, and the different ways to conduct it in your company.


What Is Performance Appraisal? 

A performance appraisal system is also known as development discussions, employee appraisals, and performance reviews or evaluations. You can use it to see who has contributed the most to your company's success, examine progress, and recognize top talent with rewards. Furthermore, it can help you choose which current employees are best suited to fill new positions within your company.


How Does It Work? 

The performance appraisal process involves assessing an employee's job performance and sharing feedback on their strengths and shortcomings. It allows you to gauge whether your employees meet their goals and expectations and identify areas where they may need training or support.

An annual performance review is also helpful in identifying how to allocate your budget for raises, bonuses, and other incentives. It allows you to reward your top performers for their dedication and effort.

On top of that, performance evaluations can help you pinpoint areas for improvement. They help you craft a development strategy for employees, including additional training and new responsibilities, to help them grow professionally.

Managers and employees should conduct evaluations more often than relying solely on the annual performance review. This helps foster better relationships and keeps everyone aligned in the right direction.


What Is It Used For? 

The role of performance reviews is twofold. They assist you in assessing the value and efficiency of your employees and help them excel in their careers.

Performance appraisals give your company insights into how your employees contribute and how you can improve working conditions to drive up productivity and work quality. In addition, they allow you to address behavioral problems before they negatively impact employee morale. They also guide you in strategic decisions regarding promotions, succession planning, and layoffs. 

As for your employees, performance reviews allow you to recognize and celebrate their achievements, boosting their confidence and job satisfaction. These evaluations also reveal the skills they need to strengthen and discuss long-term career objectives. Lastly, they inform them of a potential promotion or incentive and encourage them to stay proactive in their professional growth.


The Role of HR in Performance Appraisal 

The HR department is responsible for upholding a smooth performance appraisal process. They should ensure it is quick and straightforward. Furthermore, they should design it so that the employee's performance can be evaluated concerning their assigned tasks.

Before anything else, HR managers should orient employees about the performance appraisal system. They should clarify that such reviews are done to set goals for them, not disparage anyone.

Then, the HR team will collaborate with reviewing authorities to ensure it is fair and square, and the deserving employees are rewarded. Besides the daily duties, the appraisal process should also consider the employee's punctuality, conduct, and relationships with co-workers. Once done, the HR department should see that the employees are satisfied with their evaluations.

Finally, the HR department will gather input from all the employees about the performance appraisal process. They will make every effort to come up with decisions that are in the best interests of everyone and try to appease those who are not pleased.


Types of Performance Appraisals 

Choosing the right approach for conducting performance appraisals depends on various factors, including the different responsibilities within your company, the time you can allocate to the evaluations, and the goals you want to achieve through the review.

The common types of performance appraisals include:


In a self-assessment, employees weigh their performance. This may include identifying their strengths and weaknesses and highlighting their notable achievements within the company. This appraisal usually involves answering a form and a one-on-one meeting with the manager.


Peer Assessment 

Meanwhile, in a peer assessment, the employee's colleagues working closely with them serve as the evaluators. This can reveal whether employees contribute to their fair share of work and collaborate well with teams. 


360-Degree Feedback Assessment 

This type of performance appraisal involves gathering feedback from many people who have contact with every employee, such as colleagues, clients, and even the employees themselves, to avoid bias.

360-degree feedback can be brief, such as a peer review where one will explain what it is like to work with a particular employee. It can also be detailed, such as a manager listing all their goals with the employee, how much progress was made, and how the employee handled roadblocks. 

It is considered the best method because it provides a comprehensive view of an employee. Apart from helping managers better understand the employee's behavior, it also gives employees a chance to improve, thus increasing their confidence.


Negotiated Appraisal 

If there is a conflict between employees and their supervisors, you can opt for a negotiated appraisal. This approach involves a mediator who assesses the employee's performance and emphasizes the positive aspects instead of focusing on the criticism.



The performance appraisal process is not just another HR formality; but a tool to help your company succeed. Giving employees feedback, setting goals, and providing growth opportunities can increase everyone's productivity and satisfaction. 

So, leverage the performance appraisal system and watch your employees reach new heights. Remember, investing in your employees is an investment in your company's future.

If you are looking for support with performance appraisal or other HR-related needs, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Q2 HR Solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can help!


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