Technological Innovations that Support a Post-Pandemic Workplace


The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every facet of life, especially business. With lockdown measures in place, most workplaces that used to be filled with busy employees now lay empty and silent. Even when companies have resumed physical operations in a limited capacity, business is simply no longer what it was before the pandemic occurred.

However, thanks to technology, companies now have more means to reorganize their operations and start or improve their digital transformation. Digital solutions have been instrumental in helping businesses not only stay afloat but further innovate and grow. According to a 2020 McKinsey & Company survey, 72% of companies were first in their industries to experiment with new technologies during the pandemic.

Below are just some of the technological innovations that proved useful to businesses during the pandemic, and will most likely remain to support a post-pandemic workplace.


Contactless Tech Solutions

Since the pandemic pushed people towards contactless solutions to curb the spread of the virus, several businesses―especially those that continued operating in their physical offices― employed contactless biometric systems to implement a more hassle-free way of recording employee attendance.

For companies that are planning to return to their workplaces, whether at full or limited capacity, when the pandemic has eased, contactless biometric solutions are a good way to go.

Virtual Engagement Activities

Most companies host engaging and fun programs and activities to boost the morale and productivity of their employees. When it comes to this matter, there are no limits to how companies should plan their engagement activities.

According to Q2 HR Solutions, gamifying engagement activities provides employees with a sense of accomplishment through competition. It also drives them to continually improve through challenges and ultimately allow them to be a master of their fate to achieve certain goals and objectives.

With this in mind, there’s no doubt that employee engagement activities are here to stay. Of course, thanks to video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Meet, virtual engagement activities have been proven to be possible even as employees remain in a remote work setting.

Cloud-based HR Systems

Whether they’re used for organizing attendance and leave requests or scanning job applicants, cloud-based HR systems have immensely helped companies streamline much of their administrative work, especially during the pandemic.

Cloud-based HR systems also allow businesses to scale in an easy and efficient manner, allotting them more storage space for important data thanks to the use of multiple servers stored off-site. The use of the cloud also protects sensitive data better, as cybercriminals will have to target multiple servers instead of just one device.

With advanced HR technologies, HR leaders can efficiently improve their crucial roles as a department and better prepare for best practice and functionality needed by their organization in the post-pandemic world.

In conclusion, the future often holds many uncertainties, but one thing’s for sure: companies can now only thrive and survive if they integrate technology into their operations. In this day and age, digital is king―firms only need to take the first step in employing technologies to finally keep up with evolving times.


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