The Future Is Here: How Outsourced HR Functions Benefit Modern Workplaces


The COVID-19 pandemic spurred the normalization of changes in how companies operate today. Remote teams, virtual meetings, and the use of are just some elements that characterize the modern workplace. Understandably, these strategies were born out of necessity when millions worldwide were forced to remain in their homes during the onset of the coronavirus.  

However, while beneficial for many employees, the modern workplace setup has varying challenges. Many companies have limited or unequipped HR personnel to address issues that arise from remote work. In this case, outsourcing your HR functions is a viable solution.  

Q2HR Solutions is a fully integrated HR solutions and recruitment company. As such, we are one of the leading providers of HR outsourcing services in the Philippines. In this article, we’ll discuss how hiring third-party HR staff can benefit modern workplaces.


Changes and Challenges in Modern Workplaces

Companies operated primarily within offices before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in 2020. However, once it was determined that the coronavirus was a highly infectious health risk, numerous establishments were forced to close, and many employees were required to work from home.

As a result, it became necessary for workers to collaborate with different teams and accomplish deliverables online. Thus, meetings became virtual, and communication was primarily done through email or other messaging platforms. Even hiring new talent became an online process.

While remote work became possible through the internet, employers and employees were met with varying challenges from this new setup.

For instance, many employees experienced connection problems, citing that the internet speed in the Philippines isn't up to par compared to other countries.' Workers also dealt with frequent disturbances since most houses weren’t conducive for working. Moreover, a lack of physical interaction caused employee engagement to decline, affecting output quality.


The Role of Outsourced HR Departments

HR personnel play a vital role in addressing challenges arising from the modern workplace scenario, as a large part of their work focuses on ensuring a good employee experience and building a healthy company culture.

However, suppose your company does not have an efficient and well-equipped HR department to meet the difficulties brought by the changes of today’s evolving workplace. In that case, this is the right time to consider getting HR outsourcing services in the Philippines. Below are some of the areas that can benefit from outsourcing HR services:


Workforce Management

A proper workforce management system is integral to maintaining and maximizing employee productivity. Establishing one in a modern workplace can be extra challenging as most workers spend most of their time outside the office.

Outsourcing HR personnel to meet this need can immensely benefit your organization as you’ll now have a dedicated team of professionals ensuring that your staff can use their time wisely. This can help you meet key performance indicators (KPIs) in the long run.


Talent Acquisition

If your company is having difficulty filling positions and finding top talent, this might be due to a limited or inexperienced recruitment staff. Hiring skilled candidates can be a lot more complicated these days as the mindset of many employees has changed because of the pandemic. More and more people desire a wholesome company experience on top of competitive pay and benefits.

The good news is that you can outsource HR staff specifically for recruitment functions. HR personnel specializing in talent acquisition make it possible for your company to acquire better candidates and find the right employees faster, even for delicate positions such as executive roles.


Payroll Management

Payroll management is one of the top HR functions that many companies outsource. It is an essential yet time-consuming task that involves calculating wages, recording deductions and net pay, distributing pay slips, and more. Delegating these tasks to a third-party HR service provider reduces your staff's workload, enabling them to allot their time for other responsibilities.

Moreover, you can access the latest payroll management technology when you outsource payroll services to a qualified provider, such as Q2HR Solutions. This streamlines payroll processes and significantly minimizes human errors.


Worker Engagement 

As previously mentioned, a decline in employee engagement is one of the adverse effects of remote work, often leading to lower productivity. This is understandable, given the massive shift from the traditional office setup to a work-from-home arrangement.  

Having outsourced HR staff skilled in boosting worker engagement can motivate employees to become more interested and focused on their work. Regular check-ins, feedback sessions, virtual gaming events, and employee recognition are some of the tactics HR personnel can employ to encourage engagement among company employees.


Legal Compliance 

The workplace may be continuously evolving, but it will always be subject to legal compliance. To make things easier for your team, you can tap into human resourcing outsourcing companies to ensure your company complies with government regulations.

Labor laws are complex and undergo many changes as time goes on. Hence, it is necessary to have an expert you can turn to. An outsourced HR team handling business legalities ensures your company follows laws related to compensation, hiring, contracts, and such, protecting you from risks associated with non-compliance.


Outsource Your HR Team by Partnering With Us

Outsourcing HR services in the Philippines has been around for a while. Many companies utilize third-party providers for various HR functions depending on their needs. If your business needs help acquiring talent, improving employee engagement, and managing the workforce, among other areas, the problem may lie within your in-house HR department.

Schedule a meeting today with Q2HR Solutions today! We are a leading HR outsourcing company in the Philippines, equipping many businesses with our top-notch outsourcing solutions.

Our team will help you identify what HR functions you need assistance with and provide you with tailored services. Reach out to us now.  For those interested, we have an HRIcon event this September 2023 that you can attend to learn more about HR.



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