Hiring New Applicants? Get a Reliable Background Check Company To Screen and Verify Them!


When hiring new talents, the last thing you want to do is make a wrong decision due to misinformation. It is essential to check the documents and background of your prospective employees before you welcome them to your company. This will help you avoid potential liabilities and create better hiring decisions.

Background checking is a complex task. Plenty of information needs to be reviewed before you can be sure that you have found the right candidate for the job. Professional background check companies often use a unique screening tool to verify the authenticity of the applicant’s provided data with official legal records.      

Hiring the wrong talent can be a costly mistake for your business. That is why we highly advise relying on employment background check companies during hiring. With the right background check company, you can have the assurance that you are signing with the most qualified and fit candidate.

Learn more about background check companies and how they can help you achieve desirable results in your hiring process right here at Q2 HR Solutions, one of the Philippines’ most trusted HR service providers.

The Importance of Applicant Background Checks

Did you know that 43% of employers make a bad hire due to a lack of background checks? For a company, trust comes at a high price. Each bad hire can cost you thousands of pesos, so you can’t just rely on the words of your prospective candidate. Misleading information or undeclared data can hurt you and your organization. That is why performing a personal background check on hiring candidates is vital to see if they fit in with your company.

An adequate employment background verification can help you authenticate the information the applicant provides. It can also bring awareness of a candidate’s possible crime record that could affect your hiring decision.    

How To Find Reputable Background Check Companies

Finding a reliable employment background check company is just as crucial as profiling. Here are a few ways to check whether you’ve found the right company for you:


Experience is one of the primary bases for competence and reliability. A good background check company should have plenty of years handling successful cases before they can be considered experts in the field. If you can’t find anything about them online, you can always ask the company you plan to partner with and inquire about their previous clients and cases.  


No law in the Philippines prohibits employers from conducting background checks on candidates. However, the background check must comply with the country’s strict Data Privacy Act. When looking for a reliable background check company, you should ensure they follow the regulations to prevent any issues in your hiring process.

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing a Background Check Company?

Partnering with a background check company can offer you plenty of benefits in your hiring process. Explore some of these advantages with us below. 

Expert Assistance

Experts in employment background verification are less likely to make rookie mistakes that could ruin your whole operation. By working with an expert, you can rest assured that your background checks follow the legal procedures.

You can also avoid getting bad hires due to negligent hiring. Though this term is more often used in the US, it also applies in the Philippines. Our country also has laws on vicarious liability wherein the employer is considered liable for the acts of their employee.    

Cost Savings

A bad hire means wasted time and money. Most employers are not careful when hiring, resulting in new hires who aren’t a good fit with the company. Sometimes, a bad hire can even result in a legal case.

By working with a professional background check company, you can avoid bad hires and reduce the risks associated with one. Your partnership with an employment background check company can prove that you exercised due diligence in selecting your employees.   

Efficient Data Gathering

Personal background check companies are experts when it comes to data gathering. They use tools that allow them to efficiently verify the information provided by prospective employees, including education history, financial and tax records, and past employment.

With a background check company, you can avoid subpar screening and data collection that could affect the success of your hiring process.

Fair Treatment to Applicants

Background check companies ensure that all prospective employees undergo the same screening process. The advantage of these third-party companies is that they treat every case equally by focusing solely on the information and data gathering. With this, you can prevent unfair treatment in your hiring process, whether intentional or not.

Additionally, it will help the candidates feel more comfortable since professionals handle their private information.

Legal Compliance

Background checks are no simple task. It comes with heavy legal consequences if conducted incorrectly. For this reason, you need expert assistance to make sure that all steps are done in compliance with the law.

Some professions in the Philippines require legal documents, such as licenses and certificates, for an individual to be qualified for the position. A background check company can help you review the authenticity of an applicant’s claim over a legal document.    

Q2 HR Solutions: A Reliable Employment Background Check Company

Secure the success of your hiring process by entrusting the background check to the experts. Q2 HR Solutions is a reputable company with years of experience in background screening services. We provide the best solutions that will help you protect your assets and secure the right people to help you build your business.

With the help of advanced tools and our dedicated experts, we can help you make the right decision for your company!


A background check is one of the most critical parts of the hiring process. It could be the only thing standing between you and a bad hire. That is why you need to entrust it to professionals who know how to handle the sensitive information of your prospective employees.

Reduce hiring risks and schedule a meeting with us today to see which background screening services work best for your company. For expert advice on hiring and employee engagement, join us in our upcoming HR Innovation Conference!



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