5 Effective Candidate Relationship Management Strategies From Reliable HR Experts


Companies must develop and maintain connections with past, existing, and future job seekers. The roles have shifted—the candidates are now the ones in demand. Studies show that the most promising candidates are already off the market in 10 days.

Since applicants carefully evaluate potential employers, it is crucial to proactively create lasting relationships and set your organization apart. This is where Q2 HR Solutions can help. We will work closely with you to build solid candidate relationship management in the Philippines, so you can keep job seekers interested in your company and tap into them whenever needed.

Read on as we look at what candidate relationship management can do for you in the long run.


What Is Candidate Relationship Management?

Candidate relationship management refers to nurturing candidates and improving their experience. It encompasses every interaction between the job seekers and your company, from when you advertise a vacancy to the interview and final hiring decision. This system keeps the information about active and passive candidates and those who have previously applied for a job with you.

Depending on the company's nature and industry, there are various ways of using candidate relationship management. Some companies prefer a manual approach, engaging with talents individually to establish a more human relationship. Meanwhile, others use candidate relationship management software to automatically contact past applicants and gauge their interest in filling open positions.

Note that this differs from an applicant tracking system (ATS) which acts as a centralized platform where you can create and post job ads, gather applications, and screen and move candidates throughout the hiring process.


Why Do You Need to Maintain Relationships With Candidates?

It is essential to take care of all your candidates properly. When someone joins your company, how you manage their onboarding sets the tone for their entire employee experience. It affects how engaged and motivated they will be as they work.

Even for those not chosen this time, providing a positive experience leaves a lasting impression. It could make them want to give it another shot in the future or refer your company to their friends and colleagues. Remember, every candidate deserves to be treated with respect, as it reflects well on your organization and builds a strong employer brand.

Effective candidate relationship management systems can also help you cut your expenses. A Glassdoor study shows that the average cost per hire in the US is around $4,000 (about ₱200,000), including recruitment technology, advertising spending, pre-hire assessments, and background checks. You can lower this hefty cost when you take the extra mile to hire talented individuals the first time around.


Candidate Relationship Management Strategies

When you put in the effort to build meaningful relationships with candidates right off the bat, you can fill vacancies with the best talent on time and within budget. Here are proven candidate relationship management strategies you may follow:

Discover Candidates

You can find qualified professionals from various sources, like email applications, job postings, and social media, and automatically populate their information in your candidate relationship management software. From there, you can build and maintain your talent pipeline, allowing you to contact candidates easily.

As you open a new position, your system should show passive candidates you marked for future reference and past applicants who did not fit the bill. It should track all your interactions with these candidates so that anyone in your team can continue where you left off.


Attract Talents to Your Company

The more aligned talented candidates are with your work environment and company culture, the more successful your hires will be. That said, employer branding and recruitment marketing can significantly impact your candidate relationship management in the Philippines.

You can start by highlighting your company's new hires, significant events in your company, or participation in corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. These simple steps can go a long way in keeping passive candidates engaged and converting them into interested applicants.


Engage Applicants in a Personalized Manner

Once you identify interested candidates, you may engage them through your recruitment process and company updates. Providing personalized feedback, especially if they were not chosen, can be valuable for candidates to identify areas for improvement. Be sure to maintain regular communication throughout the process.

Your candidate relationship management system should have ready-to-use email templates to communicate with your candidates at every recruitment phase, from acknowledging their applications to updates on their progress. In addition, make the most of the latest features, like automated scheduling and on-demand texting, so that they can receive real-time responses. In turn, you can improve their experience and relationship with your company.


Nurture Your Relationship

Even if candidates do not advance in the interviews, they can still be your potential hires for future roles. Keeping them updated with regular emails about company updates and providing recommendations on how to be considered for the position can nurture the relationship, so you can easily tap into them in the long run.


Hire Suitable Individuals

The effort you invest in establishing your branding through your candidate relationship management system is what allows you to cultivate meaningful connections. When the time comes you need to fill vacant roles, know that you can easily hire your nurtured prospects. That is because you and the candidates clearly understand what to expect and why they want to join your company.


How Q2 HR Solutions Can Help You

If you aim to attract, engage, and hire the best talent, especially in today's shrinking market, Q2 HR Solutions is always ready to help. We will support you in building effective candidate relationship management in the Philippines to streamline your recruitment process and make your company stand out. From building a vetted talent pool to creating long-term relationships, we can assist you in filling new positions quickly and enhancing your hires' quality.



Candidate relationship management is an ongoing process of cultivating strong connections through personalized engagement, continuous communication, and positive employer branding. With the right strategies, you can secure the best-fit candidates whenever needed.

If you need help implementing these candidate relationship management strategies, count on the pros at Q2 HR Solutions. Contact us today to get started!


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