Need a New Candidate Management System? Look for These 6 Key Features


Here at Q2 HR Solutions, we believe that talent recruitment is all about giving the candidates the best experience. Our team understands that applicants want a fast and easy application process that will make them feel like the company is truly interested in getting to know them. This is why we strive to do exactly just that.

According to an article written by Ryan Golden, a senior reporter at HR Dive, 80% of applicants want a faster response from recruiters. This means that if you want to get the cream of the crop among the sea of talents, you need to work fast and keep your candidates engaged. One way to do this is by using content management systems in the Philippines.

A candidate management system or candidate tracking system is an AI-powered recruitment software that you can use to sort out the best talent from the applicant pool and increase candidate engagement through fast automated responses.

Importance of Candidate Management System in Recruitment

The importance of candidate database management lies in how it helps establish a good relationship between the employer and the prospective employees. This software allows you to send immediate responses to applicants, so candidates can be informed about where they stand in the hiring process.

By keeping the applicants informed and engaged, you make them feel more valued as a prospect rather than just another candidate in a long list of talents. This prevents you from missing out on a valuable asset to your company since candidates who receive immediate responses to their applications are less likely to entertain other offers.

Lastly, candidate management systems in the Philippines can save you time. You no longer need to review every application sent to your job post. Your candidate tracking system can filter out the best candidates based on their answers to your pre-application questions. Moreover, it lets you automate response, so you don’t have to text or send emails yourself.   

Benefits of Using a Candidate Management System

Candidate management systems come with tons of benefits that will help you not just improve your candidate relationship management but also assist you in the following areas of your recruitment process.  

Enables You To Build Talent Pool

Candidate database management collects the data of applicants who sign up for the company’s job posts and keep them in case another position opens. Rather than simply discarding highly skilled individuals just because they don’t fit the criteria for a certain role, CMS helps re-engage these candidates with positions that would better fit their profile.

Helps Find High-Quality Candidates

Candidate management systems in the Philippines can help you automatically filter out applicants who don’t fit the role. The system does this by analyzing the candidate’s answer to the questionnaires or situational judgment tests. Based on the result of the tests, the candidates will either be removed or shortlisted.

The great thing about candidate management is that it allows you flexibility in designing the exam questions, which can help you pick out the most fitting professionals for the role you are offering.

Automates Communication

Communication is a crucial part of the experience, but not all companies have enough time or manpower to respond to every application. By using candidate management systems, you can automate your response to let individuals know where their application stands in the process. This way, they will have more engagement with your company while you can focus on other tasks. 

What To Look For in a Candidate Management System

When looking for the best candidate management system in the Philippines, you need to make sure that it has all the necessary features of an effective tool. This will help you secure successful recruitment. 

User-Friendly Interface

A complicated candidate management system often leads to decreased productivity and errors, which can negatively impact your recruitment process. It is better to find a software with user-friendly interface so you can reduce cost and training time while also increasing recruitment efficiency.

Mobile Responsiveness

Most applicants apply for a job through their mobile devices. In fact, according to a paper published by Daniel Zhao, a lead economist and data scientist at Glassdoor’s economic research team, 58% of job seekers use their phones when looking for a job. It is a more convenient option than a desktop or laptop, which both have a limit when it comes to access.

By having a mobile responsive candidate management system, you can secure more success in finding the right candidate for your company.

Integration With Other Software

It would be easier for you to streamline your hiring process if your candidate management system can integrate seamlessly with other HR software. Securing a smooth integration would make sending files and sharing data easier on your end.

In addition to this, a candidate management system that can integrate with other tools can help you save time in automating the hiring process while also reducing the risk of error that is usually associated with manual data entry. 

Easy Data Migration

Migrating all the data from one app to another can be a hassle. Not to mention that it has a high risk of error that can jeopardize your recruitment efforts. To avoid this possibility, you need to find a candidate management system in the Philippines that supports quick data migration while shifting to different tools or apps. Easy data migration can help you create seamless data sharing.

Data Analytics and Reporting

Recruitment KPIs are necessary for making the success of your recruitment quantitative. Moreover, it helps identify which parts of the process you can improve allowing you to create a better plan of action.

By having a candidate management system that knows how to convert relevant data into reports, you will have more insight into the performance of your recruitment team.

Data Privacy and Security

Candidates entrust you with the information they share on their job application which is why you need to make sure that these data are safe. Before setting your mind on a Candidate Management Tool, you need to make sure that the software you’re using is only asking for the necessary information. As much as possible, look for a tool that can let you encrypt any shared data so you can have a safe exchange of information with your potential recruits.


Candidate Management System puts the applicant’s experience at the forefront of its goals. With the right CMS software, you can maximize the success of your recruitment efforts and secure your access to the most fitting candidates for the role you are offering.

Get to know more about Candidate Management Systems and the intricacies of HR management right here at Q2 HR Solutions. Join us in our upcoming HRIcon event to get the latest news and insights from experts in the field of human resources. Contact us for your inquiries!  



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