Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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How to Know if They’re “The One:” Why you need an expert to evaluate your candidate?

Finding the right candidate for your job openings can be a very frustrating and tedious process.  You need to go through piles (or files) of resumes, spend hours on interviews and then post-interview, evaluate each candidate just to find “the one” who not only meets the job requirements but also fits the company culture.  And then, once you do make the decision to hire, you sometimes end up with a not-so-great fit, and then you have to start all over again.  

The best solution? Outsource your recruitment.

In recruitment outsourcing, you or an outsourcing company can first source through proprietary databases, network referrals, and targeted search. Next, do search analytics reporting through Business Reviews, Candidate Trackers, and Saturation Reports, making sure data is properly leveraged in your candidate search. Third, you or the recruitment company must interview and select candidates for you. During the candidate interviews, you should make sure the candidate fits your specific requirements and organizational culture. During this stage expert opinions on a candidate's qualification, background and culture-fit are collected. 

But why do you need an expert like us to evaluate your candidate? Below are the reasons why. 

Improve the quality of hires

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) companies are experts in searching for the best candidates. They have vast access to a network of applicants and recruiters across multiple industries and areas. They will know where to look, and what qualities the candidate should possess. RPO companies have the tools to investigate candidates beyond their resumes and analyze personalities, skills, and other qualities. 

It helps you reduce recruitment costs

One major benefit of outsourcing is it reduces costs.  These costs may include labor costs, capital costs, headhunting costs, recruitment fees, placement on job boards, background screening costs, and other costs that may come about in recruiting.  These funds can be put to better use for revenue generating activities. 

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Reduces turnover rate 

Recruitment process outsourcing companies are trained in assessing people suitable for a certain role and the company culture. They can assist in placing people who are suited for the business and who will stay longer. A poor recruitment process can cause a high turnover rate and delegating recruitment to a recruiter can help reduce it. It saves you time from recruiting someone who doesn’t fit the role or doesn’t plan to stay for long in the company. Also, recruiting the right person improves your company’s productivity and profitability. Outsourcing recruitment to experts promises better candidates and lower turnover rates. 

Scale up your Recruitment efforts and keep up with recruitment demands. 

Outsourcing recruiting helps you change and expand your business’ services. Recruitment process outsourcing offers the flexibility that you need to scale up your recruitment efforts.  The hiring demands of companies change every time. It becomes challenging to know the level of staff required for workplace productivity. This is what RPO companies can handle. Recruitment can be done on a project or on-demand basis through evaluating your requirements. The right amount of skilled workers are hired to fill in the positions. Additionally, through RPO companies, the task of recruitment can be delegated. They can handle high volumes of roles and they are able to manage their time on it. 

Ensures that Local hiring regulations are complied with and risks are limited. 

Local Recruitment laws and regulations can change or be challenging to handle or understand. Your company needs to be updated about them if you do in-house recruitments. Getting an expert outsourcing company to do your recruitment can lessen this burden. They can help you by going through any local recruitment laws and regulations that your company needs to comply with. 

Promises that your candidates have gone through background screening and verifications

Hiring candidates also requires a certain sense of security. You want to make sure that the person you’re hiring is someone you can trust and feel safe with. An RPO also needs to conduct background and reference checks before the candidate can begin their work. This ensures that your candidate is not only equipped for the job but they are reliable and trustworthy. 

At Q2, we work closely with our clients in “filling the gaps”. Our business unit Recruitment by Design offers Recruitment Process Outsourcing wherein you can outsource your recruitment department to us may it be from sourcing or the end-to-end recruitment and have a dedicated recruiter to fill your hiring needs. And under People4People, we offer services, like Q-HR Service and Q-VA Service which does end-to-end recruitment, to help you find the right candidate for the job. 

Finding the right candidate may be a long and tedious process, but through an expert recruitment company, the process can be effortless. And who knows? Outsourcing your recruitment to a team with the right tools and expertise might just be the answer to your search for “THE ONE”. 

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