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Need New Employees? Leverage Pre-Employment Testing To Hire the Best Talent!


Pre-employment testing is a critical component of the selection process when hiring new workers for your business. It helps ensure that candidates possess the required skills, knowledge, or competencies necessary for success in the role they’re applying for.

By going through this process, you can properly gauge candidates' proficiency in specific job-related tasks and technical competencies. You can also get insights about their attitude or personality, allowing you to predict whether or not they will fit your current culture in the company.

Conducting pre-employment skills assessments and other tests requires time, money, and other resources. But they are always a worthy investment since they help you find the right person for the job. Neglecting this process can result in hiring incompetent people, who can cause costly damage to your business in the long run.

Once you decide to conduct pre-employment testing, be sure to call us here at Q2 HR Solutions. We offer excellent screening services to help our clients hire the best people for their vacant positions. Read this article to learn about the different tests you can give your candidates.


Types of Pre-Employment Tests 

Here are a few examples of pre-employment testing processes that you can conduct when hiring new workers:

Job Knowledge Tests 

Job knowledge tests are a fundamental component of pre-employment assessments. They evaluate candidates' understanding and proficiency in job-specific areas, including technical skills, industry standards, and regulatory requirements.

The main objective of these tests is to measure the depth and breadth of candidates' knowledge. They determine if the applicant can use their known theoretical concepts and principles in real-world scenarios commonly encountered while they perform their work. With these exams, you can understand a candidate’s skill level in problem-solving, analytical thinking, and critical reasoning.

Personality Tests 

Skills and knowledge are essential for the job, but personality also matters a lot. A candidate’s personality traits and interpersonal skills significantly impact their ability to collaborate effectively with their workmates, especially when more and more companies are starting to adopt a dynamic work environment.

In many cases, a candidate with excellent technical skills but poor communication or interpersonal skills may struggle at work. It would be hard for them to effectively communicate with colleagues, handle conflicts, or build strong relationships with clients and other people they interact with on the job.

Personality tests are a type of pre-employment exam that is done to help you find candidates with the right attitude for the job. It ensures the people you hire have the “soft skills” to collaborate well with their colleagues.

Logical Reasoning Tests 

Logical reasoning tests evaluate candidates' ability to analyze presented information and draw logical conclusions based on patterns. These exams come in many forms, and among the most popular ones involve shapes or numbers. The candidate will either have to choose the odd one out or the continuation of the sequence.

By conducting logical reasoning exams, you can peer into an individual's abilities in these critical areas:

  • Pattern Recognition – Logical reasoning tests frequently involve pattern recognition tasks where candidates must identify sequences or rules within a series of elements, like numbers or shapes. They help assess a candidate’s ability to detect irregularities, which, in theory, allows them to apply logical rules while performing their jobs.

  • Critical Thinking – No matter the job, critical thinking is always an important aspect. Candidates must analyze information, assess the relevance of data, and make informed decisions based on what they know.

  • Problem-Solving – Some logical reasoning tests involve open-ended questions asking candidates how to solve a specific problem. There are usually no correct answers, but you can gauge if their answer is good enough to resolve the issue if it ever arises.

Physical Ability Tests 

Physical ability tests help evaluate a candidate’s physical fitness, strength, stamina, and overall health. They are not always done in all kinds of jobs, but they are quite popular in roles that involve manual labor or demanding physical activities. A few examples would be:

  • Security Guards – Security guards must be physically fit in case they encounter a situation while on duty. In such cases, they may be required to run, apprehend, and restrain individuals, which can only be done if they are strong enough.

  • Construction Workers – Construction workers engage in various physically demanding tasks, such as carrying heavy materials and performing manual labor. Physical ability tests can assess their strength and stamina, which help keep them and their colleagues safe on the job.

  • Paramedics – Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics respond to medical emergencies and critical situations. They should be strong enough to lift and move patients, perform CPR, and perform life-saving medical care in demanding environments.

Integrity Tests 

Integrity is a crucial aspect of a person’s character, encompassing honesty, reliability, trustworthiness, and other related traits. It reflects an individual's commitment to upholding moral values and ethical principles. Any business owner wants to hire people with a high level of integrity. This is why integrity tests are done.

During such exams, candidates will be asked questions or presented with specific scenarios that test their ethics and workplace conduct. Their answers will be evaluated and used to predict whether or not they have the propensity to conduct unethical behavior while performing their jobs.


Enhance Your Pre-Employment Testing Processes With Q2 HR Solutions! 

Pre-employment tests are a crucial part of the entire recruitment process. They are primarily done to test a candidate’s skills and job-related competencies, but they can also help assess if the individual will fit your company based on the soft skills they possess.

Q2 HR Solutions is here to provide excellent pre-employment testing services in the Philippines. We are your trusted partner in recruiting the right people for your team. Rest assured that we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to find the best candidates for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services.