Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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How HR Experts can Help Companies Recover From the Effects of the Pandemic

The Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University found in a study that businesses hardly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic were only able to survive the crisis because of their ability to quickly adapt, solve problems, and utilize resources. However, despite the digital tools and resources already made available for work, companies still face a myriad of operational challenges amidst the pandemic.

Moreover, not all companies are capable of pivoting so quickly, which is why they need the help of experts in dealing with internal operations, mostly handled by HR. HR outsourcing has become a lucrative market in recent years, so much so that a 2019 study revealed that 21% of HROs 21% recorded a 26% growth in 2018, a 40% increase from 2017. These HROs were able to win clients because of their ability to handle or eliminate HR tasks, reduce costs, offer a wide range of HR services, and more. These insights go to show that many companies around the world are open to seeking help―and maybe you should too.

By working with a dedicated and reliable HR expert, HR leaders can finally lift some load off their shoulders and focus on other, more pressing tasks on their plate. In this article, we’ll go over some HR services that companies can easily outsource to help them weather and recover from the effects of the pandemic.

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HR tasks that you can outsource from experts

Companies can outsource a number of HR services to improve every aspect of their operations. For one, HR experts can aid companies in risk management, which is pertinent to the pandemic. Improving risk management can address and preempt workforce-related risks while the economy is still affected. By doing so, companies can protect themselves and their employees, as well as help the latter uphold their rights.

Another HR service that companies can outsource is payroll, since HR leaders often have so much on their plate that they tend to make mistakes when disbursing salaries. Companies with trusted partners can better handle the distribution of money, the documentation of payment records, and payment of taxes.

Last, but not least, companies can also improve their recruitment practices by working with a reliable recruitment or HR partner. Now that many people look for jobs, this is an opportunity to look for employees that will empower the workforce. HR experts can help companies find appropriate employees for full-time, part-time, or contractual positions. By doing so, they can save costs from hiring the wrong people, and uplift their organization amid business challenges and economic crises.

Seek Help and Receive Positive Results

A study sponsored by Accenture showed that more than three-fourths of executives at North American and European companies would outsource HR services due to cost savings, service-level improvement, and employee satisfaction.

Fortunately, there are trusted HR partners like Q2 HR Solutions willing to lend a hand to companies that are trying to recover from the effects of the pandemic. Q2 offers a number of services that can cover every aspect of the HR role. For example, when it comes to recruitment, Q2 provides a service called Hiring Basix which deals with background verification and talent screening. Using the Sherlock platform, Q2 checks and verifies an applicant’s profile and records—essential for knowing and choosing successful candidates.

Just like people, companies must realize that they have something to rely on. With the help from HR experts, there still exists hope that they can survive and thrive once again.

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