Why Career Pathing and Upskilling Are the Secret to Increased Retention


For a company, it’s already a given that you need to decrease employee attrition. This entails reducing the departure of employees for any reason, which we are certain all companies work hard to avoid. Behind a successful and long-lasting company are employees who exert their utmost efforts while also being motivated and loyal – a workplace where everyone would aspire to reside in. This leads companies to ask and wonder, how do we achieve this feat? Where is the key to the door that opens the opportunity to ensure retention, and possibly even increase its chances?

The key is in Career Pathing and Upskilling. Career Pathing is done by connecting and integrating different opportunities that enhance their talent and skills. Individual and respective interests and career aspirations are vital in career pathing, which could be utilized in putting employees into flexible positions (e.g. vertical or cross-functional roles) and creating personalized career paths for them. Their skills may improve and develop more as you provide them with upskilling – which can include additional training and increased education for employees.

Employees grow and prosper more with career pathing and upskilling.

By creating personalized career paths for employees and giving them upskilling opportunities to grow into internal positions, they have a better chance to grow and prosper, not just as employees but also as human beings. They will feel more fulfilled and empowered as their skills and talents become more honed as they venture into their employment journey, which increases their potential to become more productive and fruitful employees in the workplace.

In addition, this will create a more spirited and driven workforce, filled with employees who are focused on improving and bettering themselves for the benefit of the company. Their internal positions will help them to realize their capabilities, while at the same time inspiring them to elevate themselves even further with upskilling opportunities that provide them with the significance of learning new and substantial experiences in their everyday lives.


Employees are more encouraged to stay.

In a workplace that cultivates the employees’ proficiency and empowers them to become even greater, there is undoubtedly a higher chance for them to stay as they fulfil their roles and responsibilities in the company. If their career paths become clearer each day and their skills become more upgraded, employees are more encouraged to continue working for your company because it allows them to become the best version of themselves.

In turn, this will prevent employees from departing and leaving the company because it no longer makes them grow – instead, employees will continue to work and produce insightful contributions to the company that fosters their growth and wisdom.

Employees are motivated to express their loyalty to the company.

Employees prefer companies that are challenging yet rewarding, competitive yet still safe, and arduous yet inspiring. If your company provides opportunities for your employees to grow and empowers them to stay longer, then best believe that your employees will also become loyal – a characteristic that every company aspires their employees to possess.

Career pathing and upskilling can not only guarantee the longevity and loyalty of your employees, but they are also the secret to experiencing the triumph of increased employee retention. In Q2, rest assured that we will help your company increase retention and decrease needless attrition. Our goal is not just the success of your company, but also the success of your employees.


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