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The Best Candidates are Attracted to the Toughest Conditions

High-level executives that carry titles beginning with the term “Chief” are identified as C-level management employees. Examples of these high-level employees are chief executive officers, chief operations officers, and chief financial officers. These are the people entrusted with the responsibility to create strategies and make high-stakes decisions that ensure company operations stay in line with their mission and vision.

The working environments of these C-level executives are often under high pressure and varying levels of stress because of the demand placed on their performances. However, these are challenges that attract majority of these high-level executives in an organisation.

A recruitment trend that will send the message that a certain job post has high demands is to give a tough interview to potential candidates.

According to HR Pro Tim Sackett, a friend of his – who is profiled as a high-level talent – went on several interviews from reputable companies for a top management positions. Out of all interviews, Sackett’s friend chose the company that gave him the most challenging interview.

A tough interview sends the message that the company is upholding their standards in hiring top talent, which relays to a C-level executive that the organisation has a working environment that will challenge him as a professional into building his career further.

HR and search firms can follow this recruitment trend by making their interviews longer, focusing on a single candidate over a period of time, and asking challenging questions to their potential candidate.

Having long interviews gives both the recruiter and the potential candidate to discuss important matters about the job post and the company. It also shows that the organisation is meticulous about choosing their next employee, which shows the same when they schedule interviews separate from other candidates.

Not overlapping interview schedules means that the organisation is not in a rush to fill in their top level vacancy, which sends the message they invest enough time to really know each candidate.

But the biggest factor that makes an interview tough is the challenging questions. These questions will test the C-level their skills, knowledge, and emotional quotient in different working conditions individually and with co-workers.

At the same time, challenging questions pushes the candidate to reflect about his career growth and examine areas that need improvement, throwing in whether the company will be able to help him develop on those areas.

Source: https://www.eremedia.com/tlnt/with-a-level-talent-theyre-drawn-to-companies-with-tough-interviews/

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