Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Here are 5 ways to support your employees’ mental health during the pandemic

There’s no doubt how much the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health. And for many Filipino employees, this has caused serious work burnout that translates to a lack of motivation and productivity. As of June 2021, 53% of workers in the Philippines bore the brunt during this health crisis, according to a study conducted by MindNation. If companies fail to address this, it can cascade into an even bigger problem not just for the company, but for the individuals themselves. The good news is employers can play a positive role in boosting the mental wellbeing of employees by providing the right activities, programs, and resources in the virtual workplace.

1.Make mental health breaks a common practice

A study by Shine on its members in 2019 showed that 95% of employees would be more productive if they had mental health days at work. This type of break differs from a usual day off as it focuses on the psychological safety of the employees under pressure or anxiety, especially when they feel like a panic attack is coming. Mental health breaks allow employees to take time to process their stress and to prevent these unwanted responses from bottling up inside. 

2. Conduct mental health webinars

Webinars are a great source of knowledge in a lot of different topics surrounding mental health. For one, learning more about the basics of stress management can help target the root of common stressors for the employees. It also helps that the employees learn in a group environment to constantly remain engaged and easily retain the information.These webinars can be an avenue for open dialogue between and among the workers and can even feature fun

3. Ensure that mental health support and counselling is readily available

One of the best ways to foster good mental health practices in the workplace is by tapping counsellors to work with your employees’ issues on a one-to-one basis. While your employees themselves can be taught basic emotional first aid, registered professionals can provide stronger methods, perform psychosocial support, and direct your employees to the right institutions for treatment (when necessary). 

4. Set up a virtual gratitude wall

Gratitude is known to correlate with a positive outlook based on many studies, such as one conducted by Dr. Robert A. Emmons and Dr. Michael E. McCullough. A weekly practice of writing down the things that you’re grateful for can help in building resilience in your daily circumstances. A public gratitude wall such as a Miro board or a Facebook group post is also a great way to express gratitude to fellow workmates as this can also boost the extrinsic motivation of your employees.

5. Promote the improvement of physical health

People often forget that the physical wellbeing is tied to the mental health of an individual. A more holistic approach to wellness is necessary to help improve the mental wellbeing of your employees. Try hosting wellness challenges for your employees to participate alongside their co-workers. This not only helps them eat healthier and be more active through achieving specific goals, but can also increase work productivity.

There are many activities and services that you can provide your employees to help them receive the mental and emotional support they need during these challenging situations. It’s important that these programs should be tailored to the specific emotional needs of your staff. While there are also benefits to your business when it comes to fostering a mentally healthier workplace, your main inspiration should be this: Everyone deserves to feel that they are cared for in any environment that they’re in.

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