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Staff Outsourcing in the Philippines and Why Your Company Should Do It


Employees are the backbone of any company. They keep the business running and provide stability to the company since they are the ones who make sure that all tasks are completed and deadlines are met. However, finding a candidate who is a good fit for your team can be difficult.

Hiring managers need to understand that a good employee is not just someone who does their job well but someone who can be a great asset for them in the future, as well. Aside from ensuring that their skills fit the role they're applying for, a candidate needs to have values that align with yours. This is why you must discern whether an applicant can function effectively within your company's culture.

With the assistance of Q2 HR Solutions, you can be sure that your new employee is someone who will help you and your team grow. We are a recruitment company in the Philippines that offers various services, including staff outsourcing, background screening, and more. Feel free to reach out to us today for additional information.

What Is the Meaning of Staff Outsourcing?

Nowadays, many companies in the Philippines have decided to delegate staff outsourcing efforts to third-party organizations. This is because many higher-ups have seen the value of such since it reduces their human resources (HR) workload, boosts flexibility and productivity, and decreases overhead costs.

Businesses that offer staff outsourcing services recruit, hire, and train employees based on the client's requirements. Depending on what industry your company is in, they can create a plan that lasts from weeks or months. Some of the other tasks they accomplish are organizing employee files, managing worker benefits, promotions, increments, and salaries, and handling performance management issues.

Outsource Staffing vs. In-House Staffing

Companies have the choice to hire workers from an outside source or promote their current employees. Each option has its pros and cons, so managers need to consider which would be most beneficial to their team and their company's future.

Outsource staffing, as explained previously, is when a business hires someone outside their company to fill a specific role. On the other hand, in-house staffing is when managers consider their current team members and decipher which one has the skills to be promoted to a higher position. It also means that they are responsible for training them and ensuring they have the skills to manage the possible risks and threats they may encounter while on the job.

Considering the benefits and drawbacks of each option is essential before deciding which is best for your company. If you have a startup, outsourcing staff yourself can be an excellent decision since you may not have the funds to hire a professional to do it for you. Plus, in-house hiring may not be a viable choice yet due to your smaller team.

Yet, as your company grows, it becomes necessary to employ in-house staff because these professionals would have more knowledge about your company's processes, culture, and values. This poses a dilemma, however, since you may not have the time to assess each candidate carefully. As a result, you may have to hire a third-party company to handle these things and provide you with more time to do other tasks.

Why Should Businesses Consider Staff Outsourcing?

Staff outsourcing is not just a fad that will be here today and gone tomorrow. Instead, it is a trend that will be around for some time due to the many benefits it provides businesses, such as:

Wider Pool of Employees

Many companies follow the practice of keeping the credentials and contact details of past applicants whom they did not hire. This is because when an opening pops up and the skills of these professionals are a good fit, hiring managers try to get in touch with them to see if they are still looking for jobs.

However, this can be difficult since smaller companies may not have an extensive list of past applicants to browse through. In contrast, larger businesses may have more people they can contact, but it would be time-consuming to arrange the data they have on hand and reach out to each one.

As a result, many organizations turn to staff outsourcing companies because one of the most significant benefits of doing so is having a wider pool of employees to choose from. This means you will have more options for finding the right person for your company. Plus, you can expect the experts you hire to manage each step for you and ensure that everything is organized.

Better Quality Talents

Companies have comprehensive testing and interviewing processes to ensure that the employees they hire are capable. Due to the standards you've set, finding talents that fit your requirements may be difficult. You are then faced with the predicament of hiring someone you can train more after they're hired or prolonging your search for the ideal employee.

By hiring someone to handle your staff outsourcing efforts, you can gain a pool of talents with a more comprehensive skill set. This means that you will have more chances of finding someone you are confident will be able to handle the tasks a specific role will ask of them. Furthermore, it will ensure that you won't be understaffed.

The last point, in particular, is essential to remember since a company that lacks manpower won't be able to produce the same amount of output as a fully staffed one. Since it may also increase your current employees' workload, it may cause more resignations caused by stress, frustration, and burnout.

Reduced Costs

One of the biggest advantages of staff outsourcing in the Philippines is how it helps reduce a firm’s overall costs. Experts from the Harvard Business Review even shared that it can help cut down a company’s business expenses by up to 30%. This is why some companies have started outsourcing people to handle different administrative tasks, customer service duties, and more.

You also won’t have to handle the cost of training employees. This is even more important for companies firmly grounded in the constantly evolving digital ecosystem. Now, you don’t need to invest in courses to ensure that your in-house team is updated with the recent changes and developments in your industry,

Just remember that when discussing outsource staffing with a third party, make sure to keep an eye out for possible hidden costs. These fees are usually applied during the creation of the contract, project management and monitoring, implementation of new virtual environments, and imposed intermediaries for project assurance.

Ease of Hiring

Hiring new employees for any position can be difficult. Aside from looking at their educational background and past work experiences, you must consider if they are a good fit for your team.

Experts from the Society for Human Resource Management, a professional human resources membership association, shared that hiring a new employee takes an average of 36 days. Their research also showed that it could extend up to 45 days.

The length of this entire process can leave your company understaffed for a handful of weeks. This poses various threats since not having enough manpower may lead to burnout and an increase in turnover rates, which will negatively affect your productivity and performance. By hiring a staff outsourcing agency in the Philippines, you can shorten the process drastically, allowing you to ensure equal work distribution and minimize production delays.

Workforce Flexibility

Business owners nowadays need to juggle different tasks at a time. If you’re having a hard time keeping tabs on things during peak seasons, you can hire an outsourcing staffing agency to help you employ temporary workers. This way, you can accomplish everything that’s needed within the deadline.

Hiring people who will only work for you for a few months at a time allows you to fulfill your current needs without requiring the financial commitment that full-time workers entail. Using this method also provides you with the convenience of hiring as much or as little additional help as you need at any given time.

Although these workers will only be with you for a few months, make sure that they enjoy the duration of their employment under your company. Work with your permanent staff to ensure that they blend in well. Aside from providing them with a welcoming work environment, you can host a temporary orientation session on their first day and assign them a mentor they can approach for any concerns or questions.

How To Pick the Best Staff Outsourcing Company?

Choosing the right company to work with can be difficult, especially since there are countless options. Here are a few things you need to take note of before you enter into an agreement with a firm:

Relatable Company Culture

It is integral that you take note of the culture of the staff outsourcing firm you’re planning to work with. Make sure that how they manage their employees and company processes aligns with your own values.

During your preliminary meetings with their team, feel free to ask about their background, how they acquire employees, the systems they have in place, and more. Never feel pressured to sign with anyone immediately since you deserve to learn more details about the company you’re planning to partner with.

Experience and Specialization

Some companies that offer staff outsourcing in the Philippines have specializations. This means that the employees they have on their roster are all ideal for a specific industry. Most of the time, they are part of sectors that require in-depth knowledge about a particular topic, such as web design or search engine optimization.

Another factor you must consider is their experience. Research how many years they’ve been in business and read up on the backgrounds of the management team. Although it’s good to give smaller companies a chance, always remember that those with experience working with other firms have likely been exposed to different challenges that they already know how to handle.

Customer Satisfaction

One of the things people check before they even consider working with a staff outsourcing company is the satisfaction of the previous companies they worked with. In fact, the positive reviews people have left for them online or on their social media pages help cement their credibility as a reliable service provider.

Positive customer feedback even enables newer businesses to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with more experienced competitors. After all, people can be swayed when choosing between a start-up that has purely five-star reviews and an older firm that was rated with two- to three-star reviews.

Strategies Observed

There are various strategies a staff outsourcing company in the Philippines may implement. As a consumer, you should go through a company’s website to double-check if the specific policy you’re looking for is something they observe. However, if the information isn’t available on their site, you can send them a message or call them to clarify.

Some strategies people look for include disaster recovery and business contingency, work capacity optimization, quality analysis and review, continuous improvement plan, and more. Each of these factors is essential as it provides a glimpse of how their process works and assures you of the quality of the services they can offer.

Manner of Sourcing and Screening

Lastly, it would be best if you double-checked a staff outsourcing company’s manner of sourcing and screening. They must have a structured hiring process to ensure that only the best candidates are chosen for the job. Plus, they must conduct thorough employee profiling to select individuals that would best fit the different roles they can fill.

Remember that these two practices are best paired with a documented training baseline as well as skillset resiliency and contingency plans. Having these additional steps will ensure that once an outsourcing company has accepted an applicant, these individuals will possess all the latest knowledge and skills in various industries.

Experience Top Tier Staff Outsourcing in the Philippines With Q2 HR Solutions

At Q2 HR Solutions, our team is committed to helping you find the right people for your company. Rest assured that we will do the following when you work with us:


We proactively identify, coach, and contact qualified clients for different job opportunities rather than waiting for them to apply on their own. Using a range of sourcing channels, including job boards and social media sites, our team makes sure to maximize the various digital resources we have to identify potential candidates.

This is an integral step we take before recruitment since the initial screening of a candidate’s skills helps us reduce time-to-fill. It also helps us build talent pipelines to cover current and future hiring needs while positioning ourselves to meet more long-term recruiting goals.

Analysis and Calibration

You can rest assured that we have selected each candidate after careful assessment. Our team first reads through the job description you’ve provided as well as the expected job responsibilities.

Afterward, we will analyze which of our professionals possesses the skillsets that best fit your company. This is because we understand that good employees are the backbone of any company, so we make sure to vet each one that we recommend thoroughly.

Interview and Selection

Lastly, whenever we provide you with a list of professionals for a particular position, we make sure that we interview them beforehand. This is so we can double-check the information they’ve placed on their resumes.

More than this, however, it’ll allow us to see if they have the right temperament for a specific position. Some things we consider include how well this person will fit in at a company, handle client interactions, manage stress levels, and interact with coworkers.


Established in 2000, Q2 HR Solutions is a staff outsourcing agency in the Philippines that has assisted various companies. We offer a range of services, including headhunting and executive search, recruitment process outsourcing, manpower management, and more.

When you choose to work with our company, you can be sure that we utilize a comprehensive vetting process to create a list of candidates you can easily choose from. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you, feel free to get in touch with our team today. We look forward to working with you!