Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Build an Effective Talent Pool More Easily Through RPO Companies in the Philippines


Finding qualified employees for your company is not easy. After all, there are numerous things you should keep in mind when you are looking for suitable candidates. The first and most important factor is the qualifications your prospects have. They should have a degree or certification related to the position they are applying for.

An aspect you should also pay attention to is their experience. This includes any relevant work related to the role they are applying for, such as internships and volunteer work. Lastly, you shouldn't forget to consider a potential employee's personality and working style, as well as how well they could integrate into your existing team.

At Q2 HR Solutions, we can help you find the right people for your business. Our team is passionate about what we do and is dedicated to making a difference in people's lives, whether you are a business owner or an applicant. To learn more about our services, get in touch with us today.

What Does Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Mean?

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is the process of outsourcing all talent acquisition efforts to a company specializing in such matters. This third party will manage your recruitment process, from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews.

Attaining RPO services can benefit both employers and employees, allowing companies to focus on their core business without worrying about hiring new staff. In fact, integrating this practice into companies is becoming increasingly popular due to its cost-effective benefits. Experts from BusinessWire even shared that "The global recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) market was valued at US$ 5.01B in 2017 and is estimated to expand with a CAGR of 14.4% from 2017 - 2025."

Tasks RPO Companies in the Philippines Can Do

RPO companies are typically tasked with taking on different types of tasks, including:

Talent Engagement

This is a new approach where the goal is to build relationships with candidates by interacting with each one in a meaningful and personalized way. Talent engagement enables professionals to learn more about the company and those who have submitted their resumes for assessment. Overall, it is essential for recruitment as it can help reduce time and cost per hire by making it easier to employ from those who already know your company and have an affinity for it.

Some examples of talent management include:

  • Application – Professionals will email candidates to confirm that they have received their applications. They may also inform prospects what to expect next in the hiring process.

  • Talent Network – Sending an email newsletter with relevant blog posts and related jobs will encourage candidates to apply.

  • Review Sites – Monitoring and reviewing people's comments on these websites can help ensure that potential employees aren't discouraged from applying.

Candidate Management

Aimed at sustaining relationships with job seekers, candidate management is a recruitment strategy that helps improve outcomes and enhance the employer brand. This process involves building and managing relationships with active and passive job seekers as they go through the recruiting funnel.

Effective candidate management could help talent acquisition due to various reasons. Recruiters who are poor in communication negatively affect the applicant's experience. Those who didn't have the most positive time with your company can tell others about it, affecting your reputation.

Additionally, you can later on connect with candidates who would have fallen through the cracks. This is especially important for smaller companies expecting to expand their team in the next few months or years.

Strategic Sourcing

In human resources (HR), strategic sourcing refers to the proactive yet selective identification, contacting, and engagement of qualified candidates for a job opening. A recruiter often uses a variety of channels to accomplish this goal, including employee referrals and social networking platforms.

To ensure that your sourcing strategy is well thought out, a few things to keep in mind are:

  • Start Your Search With Former Candidates – Unsuccessful yet interested applicants are the first set of people you could contact for a new job opening that fits their skill sets. You'll most likely already have their resume, so it would be easy to assess if you think they're up for the task.

  • Build and Maintain Your Sourcing Pipeline – Save yourself more time in the future by creating a list of qualified individuals who you think would be a good fit for your company. This includes those still currently employed but actively looking for other job opportunities.

  • Consider Hiring Internally – Your current employees know your company best. If you need a new manager, contemplate who on your team can handle the corresponding responsibilities. Finding applicants suitable for higher-ranking positions can be a bit more complicated since these often require a specific skill set.

Compliance and Risk Management

HR risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing threats associated with the people who work for a company. Professionals in this field need to be familiar with the organization they're handling to ensure that they can assess, prevent, mitigate, and respond to risks in a way that minimizes consequences.

Furthermore, they must be able to keep track of different paperwork since positions that handle such affairs often deal with numerous documents. They should also be able to discern how certain circumstances can affect the company and its employees.

This aspect is essential because it helps to identify potential risks before they happen to save both time and effort in the future. Additionally, it prevents or reduces any possible negative impacts on business performance, which means your company's annual income won't be jeopardized.

Benefits of Working With RPO Companies

A reliable RPO company in the Philippines is one that takes the time to understand your culture, values, and hiring goals. With Q2 HR Solutions, you can expect us to provide you with the following benefits:

Stronger Quality of Hires

A strong quality hire is the best type of employee a company can attain. This professional is someone who has a high probability of being a top performer—an individual who will be able to help your company grow using the skills they possess. As the years pass, they may even be able to help you achieve your company goals, create new opportunities for growth, and increase profits.

They are also more likely to stay with the company for an extended period and positively impact the culture. Since these individuals are hard to come by, it is integral that your managers oversee their employees well. After all, it would be a waste for you to hire someone perfect for your team, only for them to resign in just a few months.

Cost Reduction

RPO companies can help you reduce costs by taking over some or all of your responsibilities regarding permanent recruitment. This will free up your time to focus on what’s really important for your business, like marketing or sales. More than this, it also lessens the possibility of you having to go through a lengthy hiring process.

This is especially beneficial for rapidly expanding small- and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). Since it would be easier for you to expand your team, you won’t be forced to pass on any projects because you would be confident that your current workforce can handle additional tasks.

Scalable Model

Depending on your needs, RPO companies can scale up or down. This means that they will consult you about whether or not you need more employees. In the process, they can even help you assess if you need new additions to your team. It’s pretty easy to miss when your employees already have too much on their plates because of everything going on within your company. Luckily, you can rely on professionals to offer their recommendations.

Additionally, experts from RPO companies will provide customized solutions after analyzing market fluctuations and the turnover rate of your workers. One can say that they are dedicated to creating a working environment that will increase your employees’ satisfaction and productivity, which both have a positive effect on your bottom line. Paired with an RPO company’s access to technology and pipelines loaded with strong candidates, organizations of any size will benefit from partnering with them.

Qualities To Look For in RPO Companies in the Philippines

When outsourcing recruitment services, it is integral that you find a company that you can trust to listen to your concerns and provide solutions that you are confident will be effective. Some of the qualities you should look for when looking for RPO companies in the Philippines include the following:

On-Site Support

Nowadays, it isn’t too uncommon to find companies offering their services through an online platform. These corporations prefer digital meetings over face-to-face ones, saving everyone the time and money that often comes with on-site gatherings. Unlike what most may assume, the solutions they offer using this digitalized process are just as good as those provided by firms that opt for physical appointments.
However, if you’re one of the people much more comfortable meeting your service provider face-to-face, you have to make sure that the RPO company you’re considering offers on-site support. Make sure you’re clear with your preferences from the get-go so that everyone is on the same page during your consultations.


Identify the specific RPO services you need before looking for a company that can meet your requirements. Do your research and make sure to list down which offerings would benefit you most. Most corporations in the industry offer candidate research, complete outsourcing and recruitment, third-party vendor management, as well as compliance, tracking, reporting, and auditing.
For those who aren’t too sure about what they need in the first place, worry not because RPO companies also offer consultation services! You will express your needs and preferences during the meetings allocated for this, and the professionals you contacted will get back to you within the agreed-upon time. To make things easier for yourself, you can even request a quotation to factor in the price.


You need to partner with an RPO company that has the appropriate skills and resources if you're trying to hire staff for high-volume projects. To determine whether a service provider can support the number of hires you require, make sure to look at the number of new employees they were able to procure in prior years.
After all, it wouldn’t do anyone any good if an RPO company can only handle hiring 3 to 4 employees at a time when you need 10 new workers. This is why you need to be transparent early on during the discussions so that the corporation you’re in touch with can confirm if they can handle the job.


Not every RPO company in the Philippines excels at recruitment in every industry. Though most specialize in particular sectors, like manufacturing, retail, and technology, this shouldn’t stop you from asking about your own industry. Plus, most service providers are very transparent with their limitations, so you should never think twice when asking about their capabilities.
Once you’ve set a meeting with an RPO company, make sure to ask them about their past experiences and if they’ve served businesses in your sector. This gives you a benchmark of their abilities and knowledge regarding the common trends or happenings within your industry.

Technology Solutions

RPO corporations use modern technology to create a better recruiting experience. For example, many professionals utilize voice or video conference calls to conduct intensive interviews and live screenings. This improves the entire process for all parties involved since applicants won’t have to worry about commuting to a specific location and finding an office.
Another prime example is the utilization of social media. Experts from Forbes shared that people in the Philippines spend an average of 10 hours and 23 minutes on the internet per day via any device. It was even found that “internet users spend 2 hours and 29 minutes on social networks worldwide.” This is why maximizing your accounts on different platforms, such as LinkedIn or Facebook, is critical to attracting high-quality applicants.

Turn to Q2 HR Solutions for Outsourcing Recruitment

When you work with our team at Q2 HR Solutions, you can be sure that your company is in good hands. We work hard to ensure that each Filipino is presented with equal opportunities when it comes to landing a position that they find desirable. In each project we take, we make sure that we create long-term partnerships to help people grow to their full potential.
Aside from RPO, some of our services include headhunting and executive search, staff outsourcing, background screening, organizational development consulting, and manpower services. Feel free to reach out to us today for additional information about our tools, frameworks, and more.


RPO usually starts with an agreement regarding the scope, timing, and cost of a project. Your human resources management staff and service provider will often set meetings to create or discuss job descriptions. Afterward, you will be able to enjoy a more hands-off approach as professionals use specific methodologies and technologies to spread the word regarding your job vacancy.
During this time, they will assess all the applicants who have submitted the needed paperwork and create a shortlist of the individuals they think would best fit your team. They can even conduct pre-assessment interviews or tests to ensure that the names that reach your desk are the cream of the crop.
Although the process may sound like typical recruitment at first, RPO is distinctly different. Outsourcing this process ensures that you have full-time recruiters with deep industry knowledge, which is a rarity for typical companies. This is because most HR staff members often have to juggle recruitment with other tasks like onboarding and training.
At Q2 HR Solutions, we are a trusted RPO company in the Philippines that can help you boost your productivity and improve your bottom line. Rest easy knowing that our team will guide and update you every step of the way, ensuring you’re in the loop even when you’ve opted for a more hands-off approach.

Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you!