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Recruitment Services 101: What They Are and Why You Need Them


Running a business isn’t a walk in the park. That’s especially true if you’re understaffed. Not having enough people in your labor force is highly detrimental to your company because this problem snowballs into larger issues, such as decreased employee morale, reduced work quality, and even loss of sales and revenue.

Don’t let that happen to your company. If you’re currently short-staffed, be sure to post vacancy ads on job hunting sites to help you recruit the right people. It’s also a good idea to mobilize your HR team to search for potential workers who might fit your team.

If you’ve already done what you can and still cannot find the right people for the job, you can turn to us here at Q2 HR Solutions. Our company offers recruitment services to help businesses in the Philippines fill vacant positions. Feel free to give us a call today to learn more about what we can do for you.

Recruitment Services in the Philippines

In a nutshell, recruitment refers to the process done by businesses to find a set of candidates who can join their team. However, there are instances when a team dedicated to searching for potential applicants cannot be formed primarily due to the lack of resources. This happens mostly in startups and other small- to medium-scale enterprises, but even large corporations can experience this issue.

If this problem has hounded your company for a long time, you can request the services of a recruitment agency in Manila. Through their recruitment services, they can help you look for suitable candidates you can interview and hire to join your team.

What Are Recruitment Services?

Different organizations have unique needs when it comes to the staff members they want to employ. It’s not a problem for recruitment service providers because they are well-trained in identifying people who can be the right fit for the job. In many cases, they perform the usual hiring process. They do preliminary interviews and even give exams to ensure that a candidate has the necessary qualifications to fill the vacant position.

They interview a lot of people and pick a few of them who can join your team. It’s up to you if you want to do another set of interviews and exams or hire the applicant right away and proceed with the onboarding process.

Recruitment services, like the ones we offer here at Q2 HR Solutions, are heaven-sent for companies struggling with understaffing. The candidates we will refer will have the right set of skills and relative experience, so you can rest assured that only the most suitable people will join your team.

How Did Recruitment Services Start?

Modern recruitment firms became popular in the US around the 1940s and are, in fact, a product of World War II. During that time, people were drafted to become soldiers and fight on the frontlines, forcing them to leave work. Companies suffered from the lack of laborers and ended up tapping local recruitment agencies to help them find new workers.

However, recruitment services didn’t become obsolete after the war. Once the fighting was over, returning soldiers had to find new jobs to earn money to support themselves and their families. Recruitment agencies helped them by giving them leads on which companies were hiring at the time.

The industry significantly evolved over the years and has since crossed borders and oceans. Today, there are recruitment agencies in almost every country, including the Philippines.

Finding the Best Recruitment Agency

There are two main methods of finding the right recruitment agency for your company. The first one is a long process that entails you to follow these steps:

  • Identify Your Needs – Before you start looking for a recruitment service provider in the Philippines, you need to identify your needs first. Determine what kind of candidate you’re looking for and how many you’re willing to hire.

  • Do Your Research – There are many recruitment firms in the Philippines, but not all of them offer the same services. That’s why it’s crucial to do proper research before calling an agency and closing a deal with them. Be sure to check out their website and read some reviews about them.

  • Find Budget-Friendly Services – The recruitment solutions offered by agencies come at a cost, and sometimes, that cost is high. If your company is on a tight budget, it’s important to find a firm that offers affordable services to clients.

  • Narrow Down Your Search – It’s a good idea to narrow down your search, especially if you think there are too many options. If you want, you can choose among the agencies with many years of experience so you can remove newly established firms from your list.

  • Ask Questions – Don’t be afraid to ask questions to the agency. You can inquire about their work practices and their experience. If you want, you can even request to see a list of some of their major clients. It might be a bit of a hassle to do this, but it’s an excellent way to ensure you’re partnering with a firm you trust completely.

The second method of finding the best recruitment agency is a much shorter process than the first. All you have to do is contact us at Q2 HR Solutions. We have been in the staffing industry for many years now, so you can rest assured you’ll be in good hands when you entrust us with your recruitment processes.

How Do Local Recruitment Agencies Work?

If you’ve tried recruiting candidates on your own, you might have experienced how hard it can be to find the right person. The difficulties don’t end there. After searching for qualified individuals, the next step is to convince them to join your team, which can sometimes end with an undesirable result.
The job of recruitment agencies isn’t that much different. In finding the right person, they usually follow these steps:


The first thing a recruitment agency needs to do, of course, is to seal a contract with their client (i.e., you). This particular phase and the last few ones are the only steps that require plenty of direct involvement from you.
In the agreement stage, you and the recruitment agency will decide how many and what kind of people you are looking for. The qualifications of the candidates should be strictly discussed to avoid job mismatching and other kinds of problems in the future. The terms of payment will also be talked about in this step.
Some recruitment agencies offer a guarantee period, as well. If someone they hired isn’t up to par with what you’re looking for, you can simply tell them. As long as it’s within the certain amount of time previously agreed upon, the agency will look for another candidate for you.


In the profiling stage, the recruitment agency will try to get information about what kind of people you need to join your team. They will also ask what specific positions are open and the qualifications of the individuals who can fill those vacancies.
The profiling stage is extremely crucial because it gives the agency an idea about whom they should and shouldn’t recruit. It can be a tedious process, especially in cases when you’re searching for candidates for a high-ranking position. You need to discuss the level of expertise you want for the potential employee, as well as their years of experience in the business and educational background if possible.
In some cases, the agency takes into consideration the kind of culture you have in your company. This way, they can prevent people from suddenly resigning after a few months or weeks primarily because they didn’t fit in and felt out of place.


The next step is called sourcing. In many cases, the recruitment agency already has a pool of candidates to contact in case a vacant position becomes available. They will get in touch with those people if they have the qualifications that the client is looking for. This speeds up the process because they no longer have to start from scratch and search for individuals one by one.
However, there are instances when there’s no one in their pool of candidates who can perfectly fit your requirements. If that happens, they will go back to square one and try to post vacancies on job boards and job-seeking forums online. This expands their reach considerably, and they can get numerous applications quickly.
A new way to speed up the sourcing process is to use social media and seek help from influencers and opinion leaders. These famous people can easily attract potential employees to apply for the job. Once there are many applications, the agency will scan the resumes one by one. They contact people who fit your job description and invite them for an exam and initial interview.


The people contacted may be asked to take an initial exam, which can help in thoroughly assessing their capabilities. The test that will be given is related to the job they will do in case they get hired by the company.
Some exams can be taken online without the candidate having to leave their home. It’s quite convenient for them because they only need to have a stable internet connection to finish the test. The whole process can take one to two hours, depending on the time set by the recruiter. Checking will be done almost immediately, and the applicant will be contacted if they pass or fail.
However, there are instances, especially for certain kinds of jobs, that require the applicant to have a face-to-face meeting with the recruiter. These exams are usually done for drivers, security personnel, and other kinds of positions that require physical labor.


Interviews are one of the most crucial parts of recruiting people for a job. It can be done virtually through phone or video calls, which is highly beneficial for both the candidate and the agency. However, some interviews are better conducted in a physical setting because this can help the agency take note of some non-verbal cues and other behavioral patterns that can affect recruitment.
No matter how the interview is done, one thing is sure: it helps the recruiter make a more informed decision if they can proceed to the next step. The interview is crucial for the agency to introduce the candidate to the company that wishes to hire them. During this process, the interviewer can also get a more holistic view of who the person is beyond their resume.
Once the initial interview is done, the candidate may be invited to meet the company managers. Another round of interviews might be conducted just so the higher-ups can make their own assessment if they want the person to join their team.


The next step is officially extending a job offer and negotiating. In this step, the recruitment agency will work with you closely so that you can decide on the applicant’s salary. This usually requires another meeting with the candidate, either virtually or physically, so every party can discuss their expectations with each other— the worker will be trusted to perform their assigned tasks, and the company will be required to give them the compensation they deserve.
There are instances when the applicant might not be satisfied with the initial offer, and there are quite a few reasons why that can happen. Their previous job might have given them a higher pay, or they think their skill level demands better compensation. In that case, the company can negotiate with the candidate and increase their offer. This usually happens if the potential employee has many years of experience already and is deemed to be a huge asset to the team.


The recruiter's job doesn’t end when the candidate has been officially hired. What happens next is another step called onboarding. In this phase, the recruiter will extend their help to ensure that the new employee feels safe and comfortable with the team they just joined. The same thing is done for the company— they should be satisfied with the way the new worker does their job and fits into their team.
Surveys can be done in this step. The recruiter can ask the applicant about what they felt during the whole process. They can speak their mind if they think anything can be improved, especially during the sourcing and negotiating phases.
For the company, the onboarding stage is when the guarantee period often happens. You can tell the agency if you feel like the new employee is lacking in some areas. It might be crucial for you to provide evidence to support your claim, so the agency can find a new candidate for you.

When Should You Get the Help From Recruitment Agencies in Manila?

Now that you know what a recruitment services provider in the Philippines does, it’s time for you to decide whether or not you want to seek their help. Here are a few signs to watch out for:

Your Vacant Positions Are Not Being Filled

Employees are essential in running a business efficiently. However, it's almost impossible for them to be productive if there are too few of them, which is why you need to hire more workers. The problem, though, is that there are instances when there are no applicants for your vacant positions. If that happens, seeking assistance from local recruitment agencies can benefit you and your company.

You Spend Too Much Time Recruiting

The first thing many business owners do when there are many vacant positions in their company is to post on job boards and forums. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't guarantee that you’ll get to hire the right people. In some cases, you might just end up wasting your time reviewing resumes and interviewing applicants only to realize later that they’re not fit for the job.
You won’t experience that trouble if you request services from recruitment experts in the Philippines. Recruitment agencies have the mechanism and skills to find candidates and ensure they are the right people for your company.

Your Organization Is Changing

Businesses are expected to grow over the years. There might be drastic changes in how things work, so you might need to hire more workers, from high-level managers down to rank-and-file employees.
Your current recruitment team might not have the capacity yet to hire too many people over a short period. If that’s the case, a recruitment agency in the Philippines can help you look for candidates who can join your team.


Finding the right people for your company is crucial for your business to grow and succeed. However, doing that isn't as easy as it seems. For that reason, requesting help from recruitment service providers in the Philippines will be extremely beneficial for you.
Q2 HR Solutions is here for you! Our team of recruitment experts can help in finding the right employees to join your company. We have many years of experience in providing this service to our clients, so you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and skills to look for candidates who will be an excellent fit for your company. Contact us today for more information.