Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Let Professionals Manage Your Recruitment and Gain Access to a Variety of Options


You can save two things once you hire a recruitment company in the Philippines: time and money. In fact, big and small corporations have relied on this for the longest time.

Outsourcing HR solutions for a company’s headhunting needs has been done since World War 2. This was the best and quickest way to fill the positions left by men who went to the war.

While soldiers were busy during the warfare, recruitment agencies fought their own battles. They called in qualified people to take said job orders and thoroughly screened them before granting them employment. And even after the war, they continued to do the same for returning soldiers looking for jobs.

Nowadays, creating an in-house HR team for your company is easy. However, it is hard to ignore the expertise, experience, and convenience recruitment companies bring.

Q2 HR Solutions is one of the job hiring agencies accredited by the POEA. We are a fully integrated recruitment company in the Philippines that can confidently bring the best and most qualified employees to your company, no matter the position. If you want to connect with us, our team of professionals is ready to talk business with you.

What Can Recruitment Companies in the Philippines Do for You?

Top recruitment agencies in the Philippines like Q2 HR Solutions can bring so much to your business. With them as your partner, you no longer have to worry about hiring the wrong person for the job and wasting time and effort on someone who can’t contribute to your company’s growth.

In addition, for small companies with no constant open positions, recruiting qualified employees alone can be a burden to your hiring managers. It serves as additional work on top of their usual tasks as the human resource of the business.

On the other hand, for larger organizations, a recruitment company is beneficial as they can give you access to a pool of skilled workers, including those who are currently hired but open to better offers.

Here are more things we can do for you:

Identify Talent

It takes skills to scan job portals and applications for a perfect candidate without getting overwhelmed by hundreds of resumes. At this time, numerous people have degrees, graduated from prestigious universities, and acquired adequate experience. So, what makes one stand out? And what does it take to choose the right employee?

When you use a recruitment company in the Philippines, you are sure that the professional looking for your next employee has knowledge of salary ranges, available skill sets, career expectations, and current hiring and market trends.

Talent is more than skills and education. A good recruiter will conduct a complex interview, asking them questions related to the technicalities of the role to ensure their mastery. Afterward, they also give psychological exams to test their work attitude.

Doing all these will result in hiring someone suitable for the tasks and company culture waiting for them.

Advertise Roles

Job portals or job boards are accessible nowadays. However, that is also a disadvantage. Because of their accessibility, thousands of roles are posted every minute, burying the ones you just advertised.

When you partner with a POEA accredited job agency like Q2 HR Solutions, you can expect your recruiters to have their own website where they can post your open positions. These will be directly viewed by a pool of already skilled and qualified people waiting for good roles to open. Furthermore, since you are backed by a reputable job agency, being acquainted with them will cement the fact that you are a reliable employer.

Moreover, you won’t have to worry about competing with other companies in your industry. Recruitment agencies have their own database of connections as well as the ability to access innovative systems that assist them in locating people best-suited for the job.

Negotiate Salaries

No matter what position, the salary is always a crucial topic during the hiring process.

Now that job seekers are getting more knowledgeable about haggling for their salaries, it is important to have someone in your team that’s an expert in negotiating— someone who can easily bargain with job hunters without putting your company or the potential employee at a disadvantage.

To successfully do this, recruitment agencies train their hiring managers to do research on salary ranges for specific job positions. This way, they know how much their competitors offer. After all, offering below or above the range will affect how potential employees react to your provided amount.

In addition, a recruiter must be updated about your standing as a company. This way, they can promote your business and explain why joining you will significantly benefit the potential employee’s career. Here, job agencies will also highlight the exclusive benefits given by employers, such as signing bonuses, promotions, yearly salary increases, and so on.

Lastly, recruitment agencies will be direct and ask interviewees their salary expectations. They can even ask job seekers to disclose salaries from the latest jobs just to know if you are offering too much or too little.

Conduct Interviews

Interviewing applicants is the most vital part of the recruitment process. Therefore, it is just right to entrust this part to top recruitment companies in the Philippines who know what questions to ask and how to generate results based on the interviewee's answers.

This is also when hiring managers can test the ability of potential employees. Aside from the achievements, diplomas, and experience an applicant has, it is important to know if they can apply all of these to real work problems they may encounter. If they pass this part, it just shows that they are not only good because they have a degree.

Interviews can be done through many channels, and your trusted recruitment company knows how to do all of them. There are phone interviews, which are suitable for initial screening, and this is done to quickly see if the applicant is still interested in pursuing the recruitment process.

If they pass this, there will be a scheduled in-person interview, which will be more in-depth. They will ask about experience, job knowledge, and other things related to the position. Most companies also give exams to the applicant at this part of the recruitment.

Lastly, some recruitment agencies conduct a panel interview as the last part of the process. Here, they may invite experts or managers from your company to observe or ask questions themselves to gauge if the applicant is fit for the position and culture of the company.

Offer Industry Insights

When a business is fairly new, there will come a time when they have to open new positions that they did not have before to support more extensive operations. For instance, if you are an owner of a growing convenience store, you might have to hire inventory managers in the future once the need arises.

Since you came from a small business and did not have one before, you might be clueless about what qualifications and requirements you should ask for. A recruitment company will immediately guide you during this time. They will offer industry insights that may be valuable when drafting a job description, job offer, and employee contract.

Having an expert will surely make the hiring process easier for you as well. Not only will they give insights and interview the applicants, but they can also suggest top candidates from their pool. Recruiters are known for their excellent research skills, and once you partner with them, they’ll forecast the new positions that might open in your business if it grows. Hence, they are ready to help you even before you need it.

Types of Recruitment Companies in the Philippines

If you are interested in hiring a recruitment company in the Philippines to help you with your hiring processes and employee management, you must know what type you should partner with. There are various kinds of agencies, and each of them offers specific services. Here are some of them:

Traditional Employment Agency

A traditional employment agency comes to mind when you hear recruitment companies. They do the basic work of a human resource officer, such as seeking job applicants, pooling for different positions, and assisting with the whole recruitment process.

If you hire a traditional employment agency, make sure to research their expertise. Some of these staffing companies have specialization. For instance, there are recruitment companies that have extensive experience in the marketing industry over the IT industry. Their hiring officers are more well-versed and familiar with marketing questions and terms. Hence, they’ll be able to deliver better service when hiring sales officers than IT professionals.

Contingency Employment Agency

A contingency employment agency is a type of staffing company hired by different businesses to employ new workers for their open position. The recruitment agency only gets paid when the candidates they give to their clients are hired. Hence, they are only needed for a particular contingency period.

Therefore, if you don’t want to waste money on recruiting companies that cannot give you a sure hire, you can opt for contingency recruiters. However, it is best to note that this type of agency is only responsible for hiring new employees for your business. If you want them to manage your current employees and organize your HR processes, they will not be able to give these services to you.

Retained Search Firm

A retained search firm is an exclusive recruitment agency for your business, only working with your team for a certain period of time. You can hire them exclusively for months or years to help you recruit the best employees.

They are usually hired to fill positions at the executive and senior levels as they specialize in sourcing and contacting the best candidates for vital positions. Unlike other recruiters that only rely on hiring people with no current jobs, these professionals source executives that are not actively looking for new opportunities. With their expertise, knowledge of the position, and people skills, they can entice these senior-level employees with irresistible job offers.

Executive Search Firm

An executive search firm is more than just a recruitment agency. They build a closer and more hands-on connection and partnership with their clients, ensuring they can give the perfect candidate for each open position.

The officers that you’ll work with when you hire an executive search firm are experts in delivering extensive services that are beyond research. When they recruit someone for your company, they take into consideration your organization’s culture and the compatibility of the candidate. Aside from those, they have industry-specific knowledge that allows them to filter out those not experienced enough for the position.

Temporary Agency

A temporary agency is a recruitment company that connects businesses and potential employees under a contract. These agencies charge their clients depending on how many roles they fill during the time they are temporarily hired.

Hiring these companies benefits businesses that need to do massive hiring from time to time. For instance, if call center companies need more agents during their peak season, they can partner with a temporary agency to fill the roles they need to be filled before the peak starts. Afterward, when they complete the call center agents they need, they can end the contract and hire the agency again once needed.

How Do You Identify the Top Recruitment Agencies in the Philippines?

Entrusting an agency to find you the best candidates can be hard at first. Of course, every business owner wants the best for their company, and it takes a lot of trust to depend on people working outside their business. However, there are many ways to identify if the agency you partner with is qualified enough.

Here are some of them:

Accredited by POEA

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is responsible for giving employment agencies the authority to operate and recruit workers. Recruiting companies take time and effort to apply for a recruitment agency license, complying with all the requirements asked by the governing body.

Once a recruitment agency is given a license, you can be sure that they meet the standards and is trusted by the POEA to serve different companies properly. Furthermore, without their accreditation, agencies cannot operate as they will not have any POEA license number to present. Operating without one is illegal and punishable by law.

Glowing Reviews From Past Clients

Now that everything is online, most recruitment agencies have their own websites to showcase their services, company, and in-house experts. Aside from these, they also dedicate a space for their clients to leave reviews after working with them. This allows the agency to know their customers’ experiences and to improve based on what people say.

Be sure to check their sites and read the reviews left by their previous and present clients. This will give you a closer look at how this agency operates and treats the businesses that hired them.

Years of Service and Experience

It is not wrong to trust someone new in the game. But, we all can’t deny that years of service and experience have a significant impact on how a company delivers its services.

Research the agency you want to partner with—look for how many years they have been in the industry, as well as how knowledgeable and experienced their employees are.

A POEA-Accredited Agency for All Your Recruitment Needs

Q2 HR Solutions is a reliable and POEA-accredited agency in the Philippines. With 22 years of experience, we are more than ready to serve your company! Moreover, we house the best HR officers you can find in the country, trained and educated to headhunt qualified candidates that can uplift your business.

For all your recruitment needs, do not hesitate to contact our team. We’ll gladly assist you as soon as possible.


For all your recruitment needs, do not hesitate to contact our team. We’ll gladly assist you as soon as possible.

If you want to learn more about Q2 HR Solutions, you can visit the news and articles section of our website. This contains helpful information about what we do, our take on different topics related to the industry, as well as our efforts to innovate our services continuously.