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How To Find the Best Recruitment Company: A Guide for Employers


Employees are the lifeblood of any company. Sean Peak, a contributing writer for Business.com, explains that “a business is only as successful as its employees, and that goes for any industry.” Workers highly impact an organization for better or for worse. Consequently, hiring people aligned with your company’s culture, vision, and standards is critical to ensure they positively contribute to the organization.

While skilled and hardworking talents abound, the problem for many companies is finding them. And once they have, they must take the proper steps to ensure these new hires stay. This is where your human resources (HR) department plays a pivotal role. Unfortunately, many businesses have unequipped HR personnel or insufficient recruitment resources, resulting in difficulties filling vacancies.  

Is your organization in the same boat? This may be a sign to consider partnering with a recruitment process outsourcing agency like Q2 HR Solutions. Many companies have opted for this setup, hiring a third-party agency to handle their hiring processes.  

If your company wishes to do the same, you’re in the right place. This post provides several tips to help businesses find the right recruitment company in the Philippines for their hiring needs.


Why Do You Need To Partner With a Recruitment Company?

Several issues can be remedied by partnering with a recruitment company. Among these are finding suitable candidates, filling vacancies (particularly for executive positions), tending to high turnover rates, and updating outdated hiring processes.  

If these concerns are too much to handle for your HR department, it will significantly benefit your organization if you tap into the expertise of recruitment agencies. They are experts in finding and attracting candidates who can empower your business. Moreover, they are knowledgeable and updated on key trends in the industry.


Recruitment Trends in the Philippines

Keeping up with the ever-changing recruitment trends in the workplace is vital in attracting the kind of people you want for your company. Otherwise, you risk losing top-tier talents to competitors, rendering your hiring efforts at a standstill.

Below are some of the recruitment trends in the country that recruitment companies can help implement in your organization’s hiring processes:


People-First Company Branding  

The infamous Great Resignation that swept the U.S.A. in 2021 and 2022 amid the COVID-19 pandemic was primarily a result of burnout and job dissatisfaction, among other pressures. This phenomenon showed that workers now seek more than just lucrative wages. Besides better pay, they desire a work environment that values their mental and physical well-being.  

Given this reality, employers must highlight how their companies are taking steps to take care of their workforce, such as by providing fair wages and decent workload amounts, as well as promoting a healthy work culture.


Candidates Saying No

The tables have turned for many companies. Before, they usually had the upper hand in negotiating pay and benefits. However, more and more candidates are finding the courage to demand what they want. Additionally, many employees no longer pursue job opportunities if the application process is too complex and lengthy.

Consequently, HR departments should ensure they are implementing the proper measures to provide a good application experience to attract the right talent.


Above and Beyond Onboarding

The hiring journey doesn’t end after a candidate accepts the company’s offer and signs the contract. During the first few months of a new hire, HRs must provide a seamless and convenient onboarding process. Otherwise, new hires become compelled to leave the company and pursue other opportunities. As a result, time and money are lost for employers.  


Tips for Finding the Right Recruitment Company in the Philippines

Success in finding the right recruitment company for your hiring needs will depend on several factors. To help you, read the following tips below:


Check for Legal Compliance

Recruitment processes are subject to employment laws. To avoid any penalties or legal complaints arising from violating these laws, you need to ensure you’re partnering with a legally compliant recruitment company. This means they follow the Labor Code of the Philippines, are aware of candidate rights, and meet ethical standards for hiring new workers.


Define Your Requirements  

Before you go and start looking for different outsourced staffing companies in the Philippines, you must first identify your hiring requirements. This will form the bedrock behind the recruitment company you’d want to partner with. To do this, you take note of the following considerations: 

  • Number and type of positions you need to fill

  • Skills and qualifications required for the role/s

  • Deadline for filling vacancies

  • Industry experience of the recruiter

Set a Budget Limit  

Similar to determining your hiring needs, you must also identify your organization’s budget for outsourced recruitment functions. This will save you time in finding the right hiring agency, as it’ll help you narrow your list of choices to those that fall under your budget limit. At the end of the day, no matter how expert your desired recruitment company is, it is of no use if you can’t afford them.


Research Their Reputation

Naturally, it would be wise to partner with a recruitment company of good repute. The question is, how can you determine this? We suggest checking their website to assess their work portfolio and see any client testimonials. Also, check their social media pages and take note of reviews, comments, and reactions about them. If their online presence shows only a handful of followers and outdated posts, moving on to other companies is best.


Check Their Expertise  

Another essential factor to consider when looking for a recruitment company in the Philippines is to check their expertise. Why? No matter how good they are, you won't be able to maximize an agency’s knowledge and experience if they primarily serve businesses outside your industry. If they don’t have experience recruiting candidates within your industry, they’re most likely lacking the necessary knowledge to get the best talents for your organization.


Assess Their Process 

Evaluate their hiring processes to see if they meet your hiring standards and requirements. Inquire about their evaluation methods, covering topics like how they conduct interviews and accomplish background checks. Moreover, doing this will allow you to assess how updated they are in their hiring methods. Discuss this before you reach a contract agreement so that certain adjustments can be made.


Review Terms and Conditions


Suppose you’ve found a recruitment company that ticks all your boxes. Before you sign the contract, make sure to review its terms and conditions carefully. Important matters such as the type and scope of services offered, payment structure, and duration of partnership are some of the elements you should pay attention to. We also suggest consulting with legal experts to ensure you agree to an agreement that will benefit your organization.


Find Bright Talents Through the Right Recruiter at Q2 HR Solutions (H2)


If your business is in the process of finding a reliable and trustworthy recruitment agency, look no further than Q2 HR Solutions. As a talent recruitment solutions company in the Philippines, connecting top-notch candidates to companies in need of their abilities is our expertise. We offer executive search and headhunting, recruitment process outsourcing, and background screening, among other services.


Feel free to explore our website to see what our clients say about partnering with us. Or click here to schedule a meeting with one of our HR experts to learn more about how we can meet your hiring needs!


Frequently Asked Questions About Recruitment Company in the Philippines

How Do I Know if a Recruitment Company Is Good?  

Some indicators of a good recruitment company are positive client reviews, considerable experience, a diverse work portfolio, and the ability to provide tailored services to its clients. Also, it must be able to prove its legal compliance through certifications, accreditations, and other related documents.


What Can a Recruitment Agency Do for My Company?  

A recruitment agency can provide companies with expert HR personnel to conduct various recruitment functions, such as crafting and posting job listings, filtering through numerous candidates, scheduling interviews, and facilitating different evaluation methods, among other services.


Is It Safe To Rely on a Recruiter for My Company’s Hiring Needs?  

Yes. In fact, it is becoming common for many businesses to outsource their recruitment functions. However, whether or not it is wise to rely on a recruiter for your company’s hiring needs will depend on the recruitment agency you partner with. With Q2 HR Solutions, you can have peace of mind that we will meet your company’s hiring requirements, given our experience in the recruitment industry and expert HR personnel.



With the continuous shifts and changes in recruitment, being a step ahead with your hiring processes and methods is critical to pulling in high-quality talents. One way to achieve this is by tapping into the expertise and resources of recruitment agencies, such as Q2 HR Solutions.


Let us help you find solutions to your recruitment concerns. Contact us today to learn more about our services!