Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Top 5 Problems That Can Be Solved by HR Outsourcing Solutions


Human resources (HR) plays a critical role in all companies, no matter what type of industry. It oversees discovering and managing an organization’s most valuable resource: its workforce. As such, the HR department performs numerous tasks and functions, from employing the right talent to developing workplace policies.

While many companies have an in-house HR staff, it is becoming increasingly popular for businesses to tap into the expertise of third-party providers for various HR functions. This is known as HR outsourcing. In this arrangement, an organization hires an external service provider to manage the entire HR department or offer assistance in certain areas.

Similar to how businesses utilize customer service outsourcing solutions in the Philippines, multiple companies are encouraged to outsource many of their HR functions mainly to free up time and enable them to focus on more critical business concerns. Moreover, it has proven to be a cost-effective strategy, helping organizations with tighter budgets.

As one of the leading HR outsourcing companies in the Philippines, Q2HR Solutions has helped multiple clients solve varying issues through its expertise. In this article, we’ll be discussing five primary problems and how outsourcing HR functions can help solve them.

Solve These Problems With HR Outsourcing 

If you are facing different challenges concerning your HR functions, harnessing the power of outsourcing is a viable solution. Here are some of the top problems that can be solved by hiring HR outsourcing services in the Philippines:

Administrative Burdens

A large part of the HR department’s workload is dedicated to various administrative tasks, such as managing job postings, scheduling job interviews, updating databases, maintaining employee records, and creating company policy guidelines.

While these tasks are essential, choosing to relegate them to a third-party HR provider can save your staff precious time and energy. This helps your employees focus on more critical business functions, which ultimately translates to more profit for your company.


Recruitment Challenges

Do you need help looking for suitable candidates? This is a common hurdle different companies face, and it may be attributed to limited staff or inexperience in the recruitment process.

This is where outsourcing talent acquisition services come into play. Companies experienced in finding talented candidates, such as Q2HR Solutions, know what it takes to attract capable applicants fit for the position you are looking to fill. Consequently, this enables companies to fill vacant roles with the best people for the job as soon as possible.


Legal Compliance 

A vital function of the HR department is ensuring companies comply with employee laws and adhere to the labor code of their country. However, this can be challenging as regulations change, making them difficult to keep track of.  

Hiring an HR third-party provider to handle all company legal matters can save your business from any potential legal disputes. Avoiding legal hurdles is crucial for maintaining a positive company image and avoiding penalties.  


Employee Engagement Woes

According to experts from McMaster University, employee engagement refers to “the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort into their work.” It is vital to a company’s success because of its connection with employee morale and job satisfaction.

Given this, companies should pay attention to employee engagement and provide solutions to remedy related issues. Thankfully, many HR outsourcing companies in the Philippines have the expertise to pinpoint possible employee engagement causes (e.g., lack of inclusion and communication, toxic work culture, etc.) and carry out initiatives to address them.


Payroll Errors 

Your workforce may be subject to committing potential payroll errors if they are unequipped, have too much workload, or are managing a considerable number of employees, among other reasons. The consequences of payroll errors are severe and include financial losses, employee dissatisfaction, and damaged image.

You can avoid this by outsourcing HR experts who are highly knowledgeable in managing payroll processes. Doing this lessens the workload of your employees, enabling them to use their time and energy for more important responsibilities.


Finding the Best HR Outsourcing Company in the Philippines 

How do you find the best HR third-party provider for your needs? Read the following tips:

Identify Company Needs  

First, assess the level of support needed by your organization. Identify the areas where outsourcing HR solutions can support company initiatives and help achieve company goals. This can include recruitment, training and development, employee relations, leadership development, and benefits and compensation.

Evaluate the HR Outsourcing Company

Get to know the HR outsourcing company to determine if they fit your organization well. For instance, do they have significant experience handling clients within your company’s industry? Meanwhile, if you are a foreign client and wish to hire an HR outsourcing company in the Philippines, ensure they are amenable to working during your local work hours to provide support as needed.


Think Long Term

Businesses grow and expand. Hence, depending on their organization size and stage, they will have varying needs and requirements. Given this reality, it would be best to partner with an HR company that can scale up and adapt to your company’s growth.


Let Q2 HR Solutions Resolve Your HR Issues! 

It is normal to come across various concerns related to HR functions. Sometimes, instead of trying to fix the problem internally, it is best to tap into the value and expertise that top HR outsourcing companies in the Philippines can offer, like Q2HR Solutions.

As a fully integrated HR solution and recruitment company, we specialize in being the best partner companies can have in all matters related to the workforce, whether in talent acquisition or HR outsourcing. 

Schedule a meeting with us today so we can discuss what problems your company is facing and how our customized HR outsourcing solutions can help address them.



Issues concerning an HR department are nothing new. Some deal with recruitment difficulties, while others need help boosting employee growth through engagement. Thankfully, these are just some of the problems that can be solved by HR outsourcing companies in the Philippines.

Q2HR Solutions is always ready to hear your organization's challenges and provide solutions that work for you. Contact us today. You can also learn more about the HR industry in our upcoming HRIcon event scheduled for September 2023. We can’t wait to see you!