Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Making a difference

Management and leadership are not the same. Management brings Henry Ford and Fredrick Keller to mind. It is about scientific measurements (time and motion studies and management) and the notion that a job can be built where a person can accomplish it and create value. This was the birth of the assembly line, where things are produced swiftly and efficiently. It applies to nearly everything and not just automobiles. However, when the world evolves, management fails because it is unable to adapt. Consider how technology has developed since then; automation, online shopping, internet connectivity, Uber and the like are now the norm. The pace of change is faster than ever. In the face of all these changes, you’re going to have to lead.

Managers need authority for people to comply but leaders take accountability and responsibility at its core. Managers would say “Do this, I’m the boss” while Leaders would say, "Let's go over there, who wants to join me?” Taking responsibility is difficult because nobody wants to make a mistake or fail. How can you innovate if you don't want to be wrong? Innovation is a process and an education that involves making mistakes, learning from them, accepting responsibility, being accountable and trying again until you succeed.

Quality is not the same as superior, expensive, or premium. It simply means meeting spec (specifications), doing precisely what it’s meant to do. Meeting spec is what matters to managers. That would be the phone in your hand and the car you drive without worrying about it breaking down. That’s quality. The alternative is excellence. In the words of Tom Peters, “Excellence is to care”. Excellence is about leadership.

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Leadership is solving stimulating problems even if they’re not on your agenda. Managers are slaves to their agenda. Leadership is not a skill you’re born with. It’s something you choose to do. Leaders take risks. They’re willing to make mistakes or fail and learn from there. Management on the other hand has constantly drilled into your emotions what it wants you to do through Fear, Shame and Anger. We’ve been conditioned to live that way but it’s not obligatory. It’s important however to figure out how to lead instead.

The attributes of a perfect boss, co-worker, or employee include being dependable, connected, fearless, engaged, creative, trustworthy and many more, called soft skills. Most soft skills come from attitudes, not resources or talent. These skills have an impact on the employment process. They are true abilities. One of the skills needed is understanding decisions. Leaders make decisions. That's what distinguishes a leader. What is required is a loop, a process. To figure out what’s going to happen next. What’s being asked of you as a leader are your goals and strategy. Your role is to connect, challenge, build a culture, communicate clearly and commit to where you are going. Somewhere along the way, someone’s going to copy you and you have to start all over again. That’s what you’re signing up for. You’re signing up for a loop, a process and we at Q2 can help you with that because we care about what matters most to you and your organization.

We are Q2 HR Solutions, a company that provides a holistic approach to Human Resources. Depending on your requirements, we can fashion a program that suits your particular need/s to attain your desired goals. As each organization is unique, our HR solutions shall adapt accordingly. We offer a consultative and advisory approach that shall deliver a huge impact on what’s important to you and your business.

For details about our capabilities, kindly click on the link: www.Q2HRSolutions.com or you may reach us at info@q2hrs.com and/or telephone no: (02) 8889-6258

We look forward to hearing from you. We want you to experience the HR that makes you and your company the center of our being!

Reference: Seth Godin