Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Keeping Your Managers Empowered in the New Normal

Managers play an integral role in keeping organizational functions seamless. Ultimately, they drive employees to perform constructively to ensure that company goals are met. When the pandemic happened, the remote and hybrid work settings shifted the paradigm for how managers handled their employees. Along with it, communication barriers arose, and difficulty in supervising employees and delegating tasks.

For them to combat these challenges, it is necessary to give managers the emotional and informational support they need to build their confidence; otherwise, mental barriers will rise, and performance levels will drop when they should be the opposite.

Here are some ways to help your managers feel equipped and empowered to make an impact:

Provide Training for New Software Tools

Managers do a lot of planning, organizing, and delegating tasks to allocate company resources properly. To maximize their leadership effectiveness, they must be trained in using software tools that will make collaborating easier. Trello, for example, helps track an entire team’s tasks, progress, and workflow in one visual, while Calendly integrates scheduling and videoconferencing in its software, making communication with subordinates easier.

By training them in these tools, managers can ensure that employees are meeting targets, producing excellent output, and turning in work on time. It also enables them to give direct feedback to employees, thus saving time in addressing potential issues. Fulfilling these responsibilities will boost their productivity and provide them with a sense of integrity and accountability. As a result, they’ll become even more motivated to make a positive impact on your company.

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Keep Communication Lines Open At All Times

Sending out monthly satisfaction surveys and scheduling regular video conferences are ways to keep a steady stream of communication between you and your managers. These tools and practices will permit them to raise any points of concern about your employees, and their mental well-being, and suggestions that could benefit your company. In return, you must listen to them intently and provide appraisal, constructive criticism, and guidance, as necessary.

When you make managers feel heard, you establish a sign of trust that will manifest in their work. Show that you value their happiness, so they come more driven to provide solid results for your company. Happy managers equate to happy employees and clients, and who wouldn’t want that?

Offer Tips and Training On Safety and Wellbeing

When you skateboard, you feel more comfortable doing tricks when you are all geared up, just like how when managers know they are in good hands; they show up all ready for uncertainty. Implement health precautions such as social distancing and regular sanitizing in your offices.

Guarantee that they are in a secure environment by emailing them information on how their workplace is kept bacteria-free, and lastly, give them tips on how they can protect themselves from the virus when coming on-site. Show care for your employees, so they care about you, too.

Now you know that it is empowered individuals who will help pave your way to the top. The talents that your managers possess are essential to company success and can only reach their full extent when they are given great significance. Here at Q2, we do exactly just that. We use our expertise to identify the bottlenecks in your organization that keep you from attaining new heights. With teamwork and technology, anything is possible.