Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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HR Solutions in the Philippines To Help You Hire New Employees and Increase Your Bottom Line


HR Solutions was first referred to as personnel administration, and it began way back in the 19th century. And although proven effective, with results of 7-9% faster growth than those who do not use outsourced HR solutions, some are still skeptical about trusting human resources companies to source their manpower.
For a company to function properly, business owners have to hire professionals who can fulfill different positions. For small institutions, it is quite an easy process since they only have to screen applicants for a few job positions.
However, when it comes to bigger corporations, managing and sourcing candidates can be complicated and overwhelming. The obvious fix for this problem is partnering with reliable staff outsourcing solutions.
Q2 HR Solutions is a well-rounded HR solutions company in the Philippines that can help ease your business's hiring process—from headhunting to workforce managing.

What Is Human Resources?

During the 19th century, the industry with the highest demand for workers was the engineering industry. Because of World War I, hiring managers were forced to accept women to fulfill the positions left by those who went to war.
This led to the first establishment of human resource management services. They were built in order to protect women who were not given proper treatment and compensation by labor organizations employing them.
Nowadays, human resources still have the same role as before—managing and protecting workers. However, some changes needed to be made to further improve the services offered by human resources companies. For starters, HR solutions companies in the Philippines are now responsible for talent acquisition and training employees. Some also manage the compensation or payroll, develop policies, and build strategies to retain them.
For a business to thrive, a reliable organization that offers staff outsourcing solutions must be able to hire better candidates, reduce resignations, improve company culture, and implement new technology in the company.

In-House vs. Outsourced HR Solutions

If you're a business owner contemplating whether to hire in-house HR staff or partner with outsourced HR solutions, you might want to look at the pros and cons of both.

Of course, the main goal of companies is to properly tend to their employees, give them enticing benefit packages, and improve their daily working experience.

When you hire an in-house team that will manage your workforce, rest assured that you can easily control and implement your desired policies for the business, given that they are right there in your office, and you can reach them anytime you want. Moreover, having an in-house HR improves employee engagement and the cultivation of company culture. Lastly, having them helps maintain legal compliance as you have your own team who will stay updated regarding the labor and employment laws implemented by the government.

HR outsourcing, on the other hand, has many benefits, too. Most of these perks favor big corporations who are having unbalanced hiring tasks due to the high demand for talents. They are also advantageous for small businesses that do not have the capacity to employ a full team that will manage their employees.

The first benefit of outsourcing an HR solutions firm is it saves you time and resources. With a partner HR company, you are confident that experienced professionals are doing the job for you. Thus, they can perform HR tasks quickly and easily without the need for assistance from other people.

Second, you can have an expert eye regarding HR policies. You will receive a comprehensive review of your current rules and practices, and they can guide you on how to improve them with compliance and your business in mind.

Lastly, some of the best HR companies in the Philippines, like Q2 HR Solutions, can provide organizational development services. This type of assistance allows you to have an outsider’s point of view regarding your systems and structures. With that, we can provide an unbiased review, and our experts can help improve your team’s efficiency and effectiveness.

In the end, it is your call whether to choose an in-house or outsourced HR team. Just bear in mind the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, and weigh if it is proper to hire a new group of HR employees or partner with seasoned ones.

Why Are Human Resources Companies Essential?

Human resources is an important element of every business, big or small. However, some firms, especially small ones, tend to ignore that partnering with human resources companies can actually improve their business.
Those who handle HR duties internally may end up neglecting important day-to-day tasks that are essential to running a successful company. Over time, this can lead to compliance issues, missed deadlines, and mishandling of employees.
To avoid experiencing these, business owners must invest in outsourced HR solutions that can effortlessly help them with the following:

Secure Top Talents

According to research, it takes an average of 23 days to find the right candidate for one job position and even more for technical assignments. On top of that, the best talents are easily taken off the market in just ten days.
Imagine if you don’t have an experienced talent acquisition professional! Your company will totally miss out on the most qualified individuals for your vacant positions. The positive side of having an HR partner in the Philippines, like Q2 HR Solutions, is that we already know where to search, what keywords to use, and the candidates we should eliminate.
Furthermore, after screening for talents, HR professionals are trained to conduct thorough interviews where they are able to ask the right questions and convince the successful applicant to accept the job offer.
Posting irrelevant ads on ineffective job boards is just a waste of time and resources. Additionally, if you end up hiring an incompetent candidate, it will also be a drawback for your company as it will just result in low-quality work output. Employees like these also tend to resign when the job they get ends up being too hard or complicated.

Save Time and Energy

The best thing about having an HR solutions company in the Philippines to help you is that you can save time and energy. This is possible because you simply have to give them the job positions you need to fill, and they can do the rest for you.

When you have a new and inexperienced in-house HR officer, you might need to coach them, give them tips, and guide them throughout the process. Meanwhile, when you have an outsourced HR team, you don’t have to worry about anything as they have been trained to do their job well, ensuring they know all the aspects they need to cover when hiring someone.

The time and energy you can save can be used to do things that will benefit the company. For instance, instead of stressing about finding applicants, you can devote your day to searching for new business partners or taking training courses to improve your skills.

Improve Employee Retention

Many companies experience high turnover rates, and some do not understand why this happens. Usually, when employees resign, they tell their higher-ups that they have found new jobs that offer better opportunities. However, most of the time, they do it because they are unsatisfied with how the management runs things inside the office.

An expert HR solutions partner can help you understand the reason behind your company’s high turnover rate, giving you a detailed analysis and respective solutions for each of your problems. This way, you can improve employee retention as you know what issues you need to address.

Smoother Onboarding Process

After a valuable applicant proves their skills and knowledge during the interview and testing phase, it is now time for the company to hire them and start the onboarding process.

This part is crucial as it may be the deciding point of the qualified candidate if they will sign the contract. Moreover, it is also where your company can make a first impression. To ensure that your chosen candidate will push through with their application, you must provide a smooth onboarding process.

With an outsourced HR team, you will have access to expert guidance and efficient onboarding procedures. They know how to entice an applicant using the benefits and bonuses given by the company. Furthermore, they have onboarded hundreds of applicants before, making it easy for them to know what applicants want and how fast the process should be.

Lessen Compliance Issues

HR departments are expected to comply with several rules and regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and Employment. They are not just there to manage your employees and build company culture. Therefore, if you build an in-house HR department, it should be manned by people who know the ins and outs of compliance regulations.

When you outsource a company like Q2 HR Solutions, you can expect to work with experts in compliance. They know how to protect your business, so you’ll have enough knowledge and resources when issues arise.

Signs You Need To Outsource Your HR Staff

Despite the many benefits an outsourced HR company brings, some business owners are still skeptical about hiring them. There is no shame in outsourcing services that you think other companies are able to perform better than you. In fact, they are built in the first place to help struggling business owners.

If you are experiencing these scenarios, you might have to consider outsourcing your HR staff:

You Struggle With Recruitment

Recruitment might seem like an easy job. However, there are more stages to it that only companies offering staff outsourcing solutions know. If you are an inexperienced headhunter, you might be mindlessly doing something wrong, resulting in recruitment struggles.

You must not attract applicants who just want to take their chances in the vacancy you posted. A good HR officer should know the keywords to place in a job posting that can attract qualified candidates only. With the right filters and data, you won’t be wasting time sifting through hundreds of resumes.

In addition, in-house HR departments usually do not establish a recruitment process. When you have a small company that is not constantly hiring people, you tend to overlook the importance of having your own established steps when it comes to recruiting. Despite the frequency, every business must have its own hiring procedures.

You Experience Challenges Responding to HR-Related Questions

Employees have no one to run to except the HR department when they have questions. Once you find yourself googling answers to simple HR-related concerns, it might be time to ask for assistance from an HR solutions company.

These HR professionals have studied various rules and regulations about employment and labor, making it easy for them to attend to employee concerns. With them by your side, you can be confident knowing you can address specific problems of your employees. This will make them feel that their concerns are valued and that they have an employer who knows what they’re doing.

You Are Afraid Your Employees Might Leave You

As an employer, you should be confident that your employees are happy and satisfied with the benefits they receive. If you are afraid that your employees might leave you once they encounter some inconvenience, you are probably doing something wrong.

A company that wants to retain employees must have an HR team that knows what they are doing. They are responsible for building culture, good communication, and team spirit inside your business. With an effective team handling your employees, you can be sure that you will have a lower turnover rate.

Tips for Partnering With the Best HR Companies in the Philippines

If it is your first time hiring an HR solutions company in the Philippines, there are some things you should do for the partnership to work effectively.

Be Clear With Your Expectations

Every reliable HR company will ask for your expectations at the beginning of the partnership. This way, they know where to focus and can come up with effective strategies. In addition, this helps them set their priorities to deliver the result you are expecting as soon as possible.

For instance, you can tell them that the most challenging problem you currently face is recruiting many employees. By knowing that, they will gather their recruitment experts to create a hiring strategy for your company, helping you find the best candidates in their talent pool.

Consider Their Suggestions

When you hire an outsourced HR team, it must be clear to you that they have more knowledge, experience, and skills in the industry. They also have data to back their suggestions, so it’s best to pay attention to what they have to say.

If they tell you to optimize some parts of your processes, you must be open to their advice. Moreover, when they give you resources to help you improve your organization, you must take time to study them and apply what you learned for the betterment of your company.

Set Monthly Goals To Track Your Progress

Aside from setting expectations, you should also have monthly goals. These are small and achievable things you want to accomplish every month with the help of an outsourced HR solutions company. By doing so, you can track your company’s progress, and it will tell you if you hired the right partner for your business.

These goals can be as small as establishing a fixed recruitment process, or you can go big and set a plan to improve the company’s culture within months. No matter how big or small, you must have at least one goal to achieve every month.

An HR Solutions Provider in the Philippines You Can Turn To

Q2 HR Solutions is an established human resources company serving businesses in various industries. We house a number of HR experts that have years of experience, education, and training, delivering the best HR services you could ask for.

Our company specializes in different human resource services, such as headhunting and executive search, organizational development, background screening, recruitment process outsourcing, and many more. Rest assured that when you partner with us, your organization is in good hands.


Every company, big or small, has experienced problems with its human resources department—whether it’s about recruitment, employee management, or organizational development. Outsourced HR solutions companies are here to provide assistance and ensure that both employers and employees benefit from their services.

If you are interested in working with Q2 HR Solutions, do not hesitate to contact our team. We’re ready to discuss your company’s goals, and we’ll gladly help you achieve them.