Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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7 Reasons Why HR Management Outsourcing Is the Best Solution for SMEs


Companies are putting emphasis on work culture and employee loyalty now more than ever. This means that the role of human resource management has become increasingly important in empowering the workforce and leading the business to success.

While it is easy for big corporations to be competitive in this area, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) might find it more difficult to manage their HR. Small companies often get stuck in a juggling act where they try to grow their operations, manage their finance, and take care of their most valuable asset: the people.

Managing all these tasks can be daunting for companies that don’t have enough resources to spare. Moreover, the burden it carries can divert precious resources and attention from its core business function.

In this blog, Q2 HR Solutions will show you the multifaceted challenges faced by SMEs and how HR management outsourcing in the Philippines can help solve your most crucial problems.  


Human Resource Management Challenges for Small Businesses

Small businesses often face countless challenges. Explore these problems below to understand why you need to outsource your HR:  

Limited Resources

One of the biggest challenges for small businesses is managing small budgets and resources. As a business owner, you might be aware of the limited budget SMEs have to work with. It is crucial for these resources to go to income-generating activities, but you also can’t ignore your need for a good HR.

Outsourcing HR functions might benefit you by reducing the cost of your HR management since you no longer have to invest in your own resources and people. Most outsource providers have their own set of talents and resources that you can tap into once you agree to collaborate.  

Employee Retention

It can be quite difficult for companies to retain quality employees if their HR management issues aren’t handled properly. The employees and management of SMEs tend to work more closely than those from large corporations. This can manifest differently in your business depending on how well your HR management handles the task of establishing good employee relations.

Spanning from making poor hiring decisions to providing inadequate benefits and handling conflicts poorly, companies that fail to proactively manage their HR are more likely to experience high employee attrition.

Proper Onboarding

Onboarding is a crucial part of an employee’s life cycle. It is the responsibility of the HR department to help the new members acclimate to their work environment, integrate into the company, and become effective contributors to the company. An effective onboarding experience can help an employee see that the entire workforce is supportive of their development.

Successful onboarding can be difficult for SMEs to maintain since it requires a dedicated team and a lot of resources to support your employees the way you want to. In this case, small business HR outsourcing can be an effective solution.


The Advantages of Outsourcing HR Management for SMEs

Small businesses face countless challenges in managing their HR. However, that does not mean that there is nothing they can do about it. HR management outsourcing in the Philippines is a service created to support the HR function of companies, no matter the size. Here are the benefits of outsourcing your HR management:  

HR Support Expertise

Outsource companies hire experienced and talented HRs who can help you handle your clerical and administrative work regardless of your industry. These HR managers have a good grasp of their role and what they need to do to help you succeed. What’s amazing about HR services outsourcing is that you no longer have to train employees for the role. You can easily tap into expert-level support!

Focus on Core Business Functions

Outsourcing HR functions can take away tasks that might distract your team from working on your goals. Tasks like benefits administration, compliance, payroll administration, and talent management can be delegated to third-party companies like Q2 HR Solutions. Meanwhile, your internal HR team can focus on enforcing stronger connections with your employees and managing confidential company data.

Expert Training Programs

With HR outsourcing, you can get access to the latest training programs and expert-level support in helping your employees acclimate to their roles. Outsourcing companies have years of experience in training employees, which you can benefit from, especially if you have a new team. Not only that, outsource providers are also updated when It comes to trends, so you can be sure that your employees are trained to fit the current work standards.


Compliance With the Law

Compliance regulations can be tricky for new HR managers. However, outsourcing companies have trained professionals who know the compliance code like the back of their hands. These professionals are familiar with what documents you need to submit to ensure that your business will continue running smoothly. Moreover, HR services outsourcing companies are always up to date when it comes to the latest regulations, so you can avoid fines and non-compliance.

Money and Time Saving

HR management outsourcing in the Philippines costs significantly less than establishing and maintaining your own HR team. You not only reduce the cost of hiring HR managers and purchasing resources, but you also reduce the time it needs to accomplish crucial tasks such as payroll management and recruitment. Now, you can focus your resources and the efforts of your team towards the growth of your business.

Comprehensive Assistance

Small business HR outsourcing providers offer comprehensive support solutions like recruitment compliance, payroll and benefits administration, talent management, policy creation, and invoice reconciliation. You have the option to completely outsource all your HR functions or just hire support for tasks that your internal team can’t handle.  

Access to Advanced Solutions

HR outsourcing companies are always up to date on the latest trends used in human resources management. By working with these agencies, you can get access to advanced solutions that might not be available in your small in-house team.



HR management is crucial to the growth and success of small businesses. By having an effective HR team, you can support the development of your employees and encourage loyalty in your workforce. However, an in-house team can be hard and expensive to maintain.

The best solution for you is to outsource your HR functions. Through outsourcing, you not only lower the cost of running an HR department, but you also deliver maximum success in your human resource functions.

Experience the benefits of outsourcing with a reliable company like Q2 HR Solutions. We offer complete HR solutions that are cut above the rest in terms of quality, expertise, and dedication. Contact us today to learn more about our services!