Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Do you really know who you’re looking for? It’s all about the job description!

Finding someone for an open position entails a lot of requirements. One of these requirements is a job description. What is a job description? A job description is an important document that serves as a list of expectations for candidates to meet or to exceed. It is an account of the employee's responsibilities and it lists exactly what the role entails when the employee is employed. It needs to be clear and accurate so that everyone knows what the employee needs to do and what they are expected to do.

A job description will help you attract the right candidate for your open position. It helps you filter out people based on the responsibilities and skills you’ve listed down. When you’re a business owner or an HR manager you want to get a talented pool of applicants who fit in your open positions. When you’re hiring for an opening position you want to compare applicants to decide which ones to interview, interview applicants, come up with a final decision, and bring in the right person.

Aside from getting the right applicant, a good job description can engage and motivate an employee, and help them reach for achievement. A good job description will help encourage not only employers but employees as well to fill in the open position.

How to write the best job description

So a job description is an important step to get applicants’ attention, but what do you need to make a good quality description? Below are tips on what makes a good job description.

●      Get the job title right. When you make a job title make sure to use industry-standard language. Don’t be too creative with the title that it would confuse job seekers and make them skip out applying for you.

●      Keep a short yet engaging overview of the job. This short overview should have a description of the job’s major function, how it contributes to the company's objects and why it’s important for the company and to society. It should be one to four sentences long.

●      Focus responsibilities on growth and development. Describe the key job functions in five to seven bullets. It should be able to explain how the job can contribute to business objectives, the potential for advancement, and how the talents’ achievements may contribute to that. You want to excite them about your company.

●      Involve current employees when you write job descriptions. Job descriptions need to be updated since there may be criterias that are no longer necessary for the job or there is a need for new skills or responsibilities. Involving the employer in updating the description and determining the skills necessary for the role can help them get someone equipped for the position.

●      Culture should be all over a job description. Highlight the benefits, perks, and bonuses of the workplace. Cultural fit is important for employees and employers. Someone who doesn’t fit will cost money and productivity and lead to higher turnover rates.

●      Mind the details, and be interactive and innovative. When reviewing the job descriptions, spell-check, do a grammar check and proofread it. It should be easy for applicants to read. Also when fixing job descriptions it should have creative or innovative touches to catch candidate’s interests.

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Sometimes it takes experts
Now you have a job description and a pool of potential applicants. This is only half the job. You need to go through recruiting these candidates and filtering them in order to find what you’re looking for. This stage takes a lot of time and effort. If you don’t want to go through the pains of recruitment you can outsource. Outsourcing recruitment or Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) involves an employer transferring the recruitment process to an external partner. Through RPO not only yourself but your company as well.

But why should you do RPO? Well first, it can help you reduce costs. Second, it offers scalability on recruitment activity and resources to meet your needs. Third, it saves time during the hiring phase. Through RPO, a process can help mitigate delays and secure the best talent. Fourth, it improves candidate quality. An RPO company has the resources to search for the right person for the job. They even have a constant stream of candidates available which allows a better fit. Last, RPOs have data gathered throughout the process and over multiple hires. Real-time reporting and insights can be offered that would help in decision-making. It helps with the constant improvement of the hiring process.

In Q2, we are a team of headhunters and experts. We design specific solutions to the needs of every client through our proven process. We offer recruitment by design or Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This program handles recruitment from sourcing to end-to-end recruitment. One of our services is our Q-HR Service. It is the HR Payroll and HR Services of People4People. It aims to optimize HR Operations to promote efficiency. Some of its services include Payroll services, HR services, and End to end Service Recruitment.

Searching for the right fit for an open position takes a lot of time and effort. And hiring someone for the position also takes a lot of effort. You need a good quality job description in order to get someone who fits your standards and can help the company. The right job description requires very concise and clear language to articulate the responsibilities and skills that you want from an applicant. However, a proper job description combined with help from an expert recruitment agency is a surefire path to success.

 You want someone to handle your recruitment for you? Just contact us at https://www.q2hrsolutions.com/contact-us.

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