Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Expert Tips: How to Lead a Successful Remote Team

The world’s conditions changed due to the pandemic overnight. It gave way to leading teams remotely and nowadays, we often hear the words “hybrid”, “virtual groups” and “remote” in accomplishing work. 

To be effective, below are practical tips that leaders may apply to keep people motivated and encourage top performance:

  1. Be Objective - Although market conditions are often changing, people's creativity and talent are still present. A lapse in performance can lead to frustration and worry. Good leaders avoid making emotional, subjective decisions; instead, they maintain objectivity while assisting others in comprehending the nature of their issues and providing solutions. 

  2. Be Confident – Performance depends on confidence. You will succeed if you believe you can (Henry Ford). A leader who is confident will help people persevere under difficult circumstances. Confident teams often seize opportunities even in challenging circumstances.

  3. Show Empathy — everybody is affected by change in a different way. Consequently, leaders must modify their response. When an employee behaves in an unexpected way, recognize that this is a reflection of the complexity of the world around them. By putting yourself in their shoes and showing you care, you may better understand what motivates them and be able to develop individualized plans and programs.

  4. Demonstrate Integrity – You're all in this together. You are all facing the same difficulties. Be sincere with your team and with yourself. Encourage others to be honest about their anxieties, and support them by getting involved and provide guidance through the challenges

  5. Encourage Realistic Expectations - Effective leaders inspire their team and its members to perform to the best of their abilities. Make sure to discuss and agree on reasonable targets with your team. Nothing is more demotivating than attempting to reach an impossible goal. Targets should be regularly calibrated and modified as you navigate through challenging market conditions.

  6. Be Democratic and Engage in Constructive Dialogue - Engage your team in insightful discussions to better their understanding of the challenges you, the organization, and they individually confront. Ask for feedback as you discuss potential answers to these challenges. You will gain from the shared feeling of purpose and set of common objectives that motivate the team when choices are taken and carried out together. When solutions are owned by the team, they are more likely to be creative and the drive to find and implement them is greater.

As people are essential to a company’s success, HR has a significant role in the achievement of organizational goals and we from Q2 HR Solutions can help you with that. 

We are Q2 HR Solutions, a company that provides a holistic approach to Human Resources. Depending on your requirements, we can fashion a program that suits your particular need/s to attain your desired goals. As each organization is unique, our HR solutions shall adapt accordingly. We offer a consultative and advisory approach that greatly impacts what matters most to you and your business. 

For details about our capabilities, you may reach us at info@q2hrs.com and/or telephone no: (02) 8889-6258 

We look forward to hearing from you. We want you to experience the HR that makes you and your company the center of our being! 


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About the writer: 

Ferdinand A. A. Limbo “Ferdie” is a Management Consultant, Office of the MD at Q2. He has more than 28 years of experience achieving winning results in his corporate career. Ferdie attended an MBA program at the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas.