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How IT and technology can help your business with hiring

How IT and technology can help your business with hiring

Over the past year and a half, employers have made significant changes to their hiring practices to cope with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Remote hiring for professional workers has become the norm and is a practice that is likely to continue, even if offices are slowly filling up again. In fact, many employers are realizing the potential of a workforce that can work remotely from anywhere around the globe.

Many employers now realize that with the new job market, they have access to a wider pool of talent than ever. Yet with so many new hiring options available, companies can be overwhelmed with their choices.

Fortunately, technology has evolved to provide hiring solutions that help companies hire faster, better, and more securely. In the article below, we’ll be going over how technology and your IT department can help with hiring.

IT can help your business keep up with new communication needs

One of the main functions of IT is to help facilitate successful communication between multiple parties, whether it’s a video call, audio call, or even an entire video conference. This function becomes especially important given that remote meetings are becoming increasingly popular.

With companies having access to a wider talent pool than ever, they need to be able to communicate properly with candidates (or even clients) from everywhere in the world.

Yet communication isn’t important just for potential recruits. With so many teams working remotely—possibly in different countries—communication needs to be able to happen in real time. A robust IT department is key to ensuring seamless communication.

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Leverage third-party software

Verifying candidates is one of the most crucial steps of recruitment given that any new hire requires massive investment from the company. Recruiters must screen an applicant’s employment history, educational background, any of their professional licenses, etc.

Software has emerged that takes the guesswork out of recruitment, which your IT department can help install and integrate with any pre-existing systems. Solutions such as Hiring Basix give companies access to accurate reports that can help companies be confident in their hires.

Hiring Basix is capable of performing background and screening and verification services, provide accurate and precise information for talent screening, and assist in making informed hiring decisions—all while ensuring any data collected remains safe and compliant with data privacy standards. Background verification with Hiring Basix covers character reference checks, employment verification, address verification, and much more.

Aside from enhancing the quality of candidates hired, Hiring Basix streamlines employment screening programs and frees up personnel to focus on other business-critical functions like customer service or business growth

Your recruitment made better

Overall, technology and IT as the hands behind it are an indispensable part of taking your business’ recruitment program to the next level. Leveraging tech can result in better hires, a boost in employee productivity, long-term savings, and so much more.

Despite the benefits however, perhaps the most compelling reason to leverage tech for your recruitment is that it isn’t just necessary anymore for business success—in a fast-paced world, it’s necessary for business survival.

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