Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Helping Your Company Reach New Heights Through Headhunting Services


Finding workers for your business is crucial for its success. There are thousands of people out there looking for a job, but the problem is determining who will fit your needs, culture, and objectives as a company. Failing to hire the right talents, especially in executive positions, can lead to problems such as decreased productivity and poor team dynamics. In the long run, this can impact how you render services to your clients and customers, and you might lose revenue, too.

To avoid running into such problems, you can request help from a headhunting service provider in the Philippines. With their assistance, finding executive-level workers to join your company is a breeze since they are professionally trained to pinpoint the perfect talents who will fit your business well. This is why you can rest assured that the people they will hire for managerial positions and higher do not just have the skills and knowledge for the job but also the ability to lead your team toward success.

Q2 HR Solutions is your go-to headhunting company in the Philippines. Contact us if you wish to request our assistance in finding executives to help you run your business. However, if you still aren’t convinced about the benefits of working with us, reading through this article will help. Below, we summarized everything you need to know about headhunting services and how they can benefit you.

What Are Headhunting Services?

Sometimes known as executive search or talent acquisition, headhunting refers to specialized recruitment solutions that identify and hire skilled professionals for top-level positions. This service is offered by headhunter companies in the Philippines, like Q2 HR Solutions, and here are a few things you should know about it:

Why Request Headhunting Services

Many companies, including yours, already have a recruitment team in charge of finding people to fill open positions. However, hiring C-level talents has its own set of challenges that can be resolved by working with professional headhunters:

  • High-Stakes Position – Executives play a significant role in leading the organization in the right direction. Hiring the wrong person can have severe consequences, including financial loss, damaged reputation, decreased employee morale, and high worker turnover.

  • Small Pool of Talents – Not many people have the skill and experience to be added to the pool of talent for executives. The low number of executives in that pool will decrease even further when your specific requirements and qualifications are considered.

  • Plenty of Competition – At any given time, plenty of companies seek people who will join their top-level positions. This rigorous competition makes finding executives even more complicated, so you have to stand out by providing irresistible offers and high compensations not provided by other employers.

How They Differ From Traditional Recruiting

Headhunting differs from traditional recruiting in many ways:

  • Focus on High-Level Positions – Traditional recruiting can be done by your in-house recruitment team, who can focus on finding rank-and-file employees or workers for low-level management positions. When looking for executives, you need the help of a professional headhunter. 

  • Expertise and Network – Professional headhunters use their extensive networks and knowledge about the recruitment industry. This allows them to identify and engage with high-caliber candidates who may fit well in your open position.

  • Consideration for Passive Candidates – Executives are rarely out of employment, so they aren’t always actively looking for jobs. This is why headhunters also engage with individuals who are still employed but open to trying out new opportunities.

Their Benefits to Your Business

Working with professional headhunting service providers in the Philippines can provide you with many benefits, such as:

  • Save Time and Resources – By hiring a headhunter, you can leverage their networks and recruitment expertise. This can help you save time and resources and enable you to allocate more energy to other important tasks and aspects of your business.

  • Ongoing Support – Many executive headhunting companies in the Philippines offer support even after your company officially hires the candidate. They can help during the transitioning period while the new executive adjusts to the new environment and learns about their responsibilities.

  • Personalized Approach – Professional headhunters can tailor their approach based on your needs as a company. They can also customize how they engage with people they wish to recruit based on what feels suitable for specific candidates.

The Headhunting Process

You might wonder how the top executive search firms in the Philippines find the right people for your company. Here’s a brief step-by-step guide to what they usually do:

Determine the Need for a New Employee

The first step is working closely with you as the client. This is done to understand the specific requirements of the open position to determine the qualifications for the C-level talent they have to hire. This stage involves discussing the company's goals and the skills and experience needed for the role. 

Another essential part of this step is discussing the compensation and benefits to be offered to the candidate. In some cases, you will be asked about the unique challenges the new executive might face if they decide to accept the job. 

Identify Passive and Active Candidates

After discussing and understanding your needs, the headhunter will identify potential candidates. Their pool of talents includes passive and active job seekers interested in taking up new opportunities. 

The names of individuals in that pool come from various sources, such as information from their professional network, social media platforms, and job-hunting sites. Their list will be narrowed down by pinpointing specific people who meet your requirements. 

Interview and Assessment

Upon narrowing the list down, the next step is reaching out to those candidates. This is a tedious process that involves conducting preliminary interviews and negotiating offers. 

Interviews and assessments may be conducted virtually to help save time for the headhunter and the candidate, but some prefer face-to-face. Don’t worry, though, because it is part of the headhunter's job to meet the unique demands of the candidate they speak with.

In some cases, the headhunter will find numerous people who fit the role you offer. You can proceed to interview them yourself and assess their skills, experience, and achievements to see who among them you will hire for your vacant position. The others who will not be selected will be alternatives if your first choice declines your job offer.

Extend Job Offer

The next step is extending the job offer to the selected candidate. This can be a smooth sailing process if the other party is amenable to your terms. However, that isn’t always the case because they might also have particular demands for you. They may ask to tweak your compensation packages by increasing their salary or providing them with more benefits.

If you are fine accepting their demands, you can amend the contract and let them sign it. Otherwise, you can politely end your correspondence with them and move on to your other choices. 

What Do Headhunters Look For?

Besides hard skills, executive recruitment firms in the Philippines look for other qualifications when hiring people for top-level positions. A few examples are:

Passion and Commitment

Passion and commitment are essential qualities that headhunters look for in candidates because they significantly impact performance, job satisfaction, and longevity. Passionate and committed executives tend to perform better in their roles and contribute to the organization. Of course, this also translates well with the people who will become their subordinates.

High Emotional Quotient

Emotional quotient (EQ), also known as emotional intelligence, refers to a person's ability to understand and manage their own emotions well. People with high EQ are rational, can articulate their feelings, and are not easily swayed by fleeting feelings. 

High EQ is crucial for leadership positions, so headhunters look for individuals who possess them. People with strong emotional intelligence are known to impact team morale and overall performance significantly. They can also navigate workplace dynamics better and handle challenging situations effectively while being logical for the most part. 

Track Record and Experience

A strong track record and relevant experience can demonstrate an executive’s ability to contribute to the organization's success. So, when looking for C-level talents, headhunters will look at those qualities. They will examine a candidate’s past job performance and achievements and review their responsibilities in their previous organization. 

Work With a Reliable Headhunting Firm in the Philippines Today

Q2 HR Solutions is here to provide excellent headhunting solutions in the Philippines. We have the experience and knowledge to find the right people to fill your top-level position. Over the years in this field, we have made numerous clients satisfied with the quality of services we have rendered. Feel free to get in touch to learn how we can help you. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Headhunting Services in the Philippines

Is Headhunting Part of HR?

You can consider headhunting part of the human resources (HR) function. However, it may not be best practice to let your in-house HR team find top talents who will fill executive positions in your company. Headhunting, after all, requires a specialized skill set to find the right people for the job.

If you decide to work with us at Q2 HR Solutions, we can work closely with your HR department. This way, you can ensure that our team is aligned with your organization's goals.

What Is the Difference Between Headhunting and Sourcing?

Both headhunting and sourcing involve identifying and attracting potential candidates for job openings, but they differ in some areas. Headhunting has a more proactive approach, so they often engage with candidates first, even when those people are not seeking a job opportunity. On the other hand, sourcing can be more passive since they usually wait for applicants to contact them first. This is done by posting open positions on job boards, social media, and other platforms.

Is Headhunting Effective?

It is always on a case-to-case basis, but there is a higher chance for you to find executive-level candidates faster if you rely on professional headhunting solutions. Companies that provide such a service are highly skilled in filtering out people and narrowing down the options to the best possible applicants.


Indeed, headhunting can be tedious, but it can provide many benefits. It is done by experienced professionals who know what to look for in a person who can fill top-level positions in your organization.

Q2 HR Solutions is here to provide excellent headhunting services in the Philippines. Reach out to us if you wish to hire us.