Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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The Impact of Gender Equality in the Workplace

In most developed economies, women make up 50% of the workforce and are half the global population. However, they haven't equaled men in the upper ranks of organizations.  Statistics show that men currently govern the corporate world. Women hold 29% of senior management positions, a mere 6% reaching CEO and only 4% are in board director positions in America's top 500 S&P according to a Forbes, 2020 article. In an International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank Group study in 2021, the corresponding number of women in leadership roles globally are 19.7% board directors seats, 6.7% board chairs, a meager 5% CEO; and 32.4% senior management positions in mid-market businesses according to a March 22, 2023 article at The Manila Times.

The idea of soft power, created to describe political leadership based on persuasion and not force, is currently progressing in the corporate world as a response to dominating and hierarchical leadership. Workplace involvement and collaboration will surely improve if leaders are more empathic, flexible, and motivational while maintaining their resolve when necessary. These qualities are typically associated with women. 

Several studies demonstrate the superior performance of organizations with more women on their senior management teams and boards. Having female leaders in positions of influence allows role modeling and stirs impactful changes in corporate policies that benefit both men and women resulting in a more inclusive and diverse workforce. Hence, major corporations are encouraging the professional growth of women and empowering and motivating them to use their talent for the benefit of the organization. 

Contemporary technological and social advances also enable wider distribution of power. Technology has altered traditional work paradigms and hastened changes for gender parity by allowing the inclusion of women in business and giving men the chance to actively share in home obligations, something that is advantageous for society.

In the 21st century, greater economic and social development will be achieved as women realize their true potential. Leaders must take an active role in ensuring that equal opportunities are provided to women in the workplace to allow the benefits of diversity to come in such as providing different perspectives and approaches to problems that could spark creativity and innovation, and we at Q2 HR Solutions can help you with that. 

Q2’s years of experience in human resources enable companies to address such gender gaps. With our pool of HR and organizational development experts, we can work together in harnessing the power of inclusion and diversity in your workplace. Our suite of customized HR solutions tailored-fit to your requirements will ensure that you have the right people at the right seats.

Create a positive impact today and find out more about our services.  Visit www.Q2HRSolutions.com or you may reach us at info@q2hrs.com and/or at our telephone number: (02) 8889-6258. 

Be our partner in making Human Resources a competitive advantage.  

References / Sources: 



The Manila Times


About the Writer: 

Ferdinand A. A. Limbo, “Ferdie” is a Management Consultant for the Office of the Managing Director at Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies. He has over 28 years of experience as a consultant and a C-Suite executive in the industries of HR Services, Facilities Services and Management, Engineering Consultancy, BPO/Contact Center, Retail-Wholesale and Distribution, and Condiments Manufacturing industries, among others, achieving winning results. He has advocated for gender equality and has worked with companies to enable a more inclusive workforce. Ferdie attended an MBA program at The Royal Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. 

Please send any comments, questions, or requests for advice on HR matters to Ferdie at ferdie.limbo@q2hrs.com