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Ensure Time and Cost Savings by Working With Executive Search Firms in the Philippines


On average, a single corporate job position receives 250 applications. That's 250 resumes an HR officer should go through, reading every skill, experience, and other qualifications per applicant. But only about 22% of those who applied will go to the next stage and be qualified for an initial interview. Those who pass will have to take multiple tests and then undergo a final screening process.

If you are a business owner and you opt to create your in-house HR team, it is important for you to know about the HR-to-employee ratio. This gives you the ballpark of how many employees you need to hire in your human resources department to accommodate every worker and job opening.

Sometimes, a company must employ more HR employees, especially if they have continuous job vacancies throughout the year. Not all businesses can hire more people as it can be costly and time-consuming.

If you think your firm is not yet capable of that, the best move is to partner with executive search firms, also known as headhunters. Companies like Q2 HR Solutions can greatly help your business when it comes to finding the most qualified people for every position. Working with us will definitely lighten your responsibilities without compromising the quality of employees who will be hired.

What Do Executive Search Firms in the Philippines Do?

You'll find the best headhunters in Manila by partnering with reliable executive search firms. But before choosing one, it is recommended for business owners to know what these firms really do and how they can be beneficial to the company.

Executive search firms in the Philippines are considered a special type of recruitment agency that aims to deliver more than just searching for the right employee. They offer services that allow them to have a more hands-on relationship with a company to get a better understanding of its core values, culture, vision, and mission.

With that said, you are not just getting someone to screen your applicants. You are hiring someone who understands your company's needs, allowing them to choose employees suitable for different positions, from entry-level to executive post vacancies. They do this by practicing in-depth research, networking, thorough applicant screening and background checks, as well as implementing effective recruitment methodologies.

Another thing to keep in mind is that top executive search firms in the Philippines specialize in conducting upper-level management and executive positions. So, if you want to be meticulous in hiring someone for higher ranks with bigger responsibilities, it is best to trust the expertise of these trained and experienced headhunters.

Applicant Qualities Top Executive Search Firms in the Philippines Look For

It takes more than skills to be chosen by executive search firms. As a candidate for a directorial or managerial position, you have no assurance that you’re going to get the job, even if you have all the qualifications and have answered tough interview questions perfectly. It still depends on the headhunter if they conclude you are the right person for the company.

These professionals are trained to look beyond the resumes and test applicants' intelligence, problem-solving skills, emotional quotient, and overall work attitude.

Here are some qualities they look for:


Not all employees have a career vision. This is something possessed only by dedicated and passionate workers as they want to actualize their future dreams and pledge to speed up their career advancement.

Having a clear career vision when applying for a job is a must because it shows that you are a person with definite short-term and long-term goals for yourself and the company you will join.

In addition, when an employee says they have a vision, it gives headhunters the impression that they know what they are doing and are not just applying for the job to be employed.

Some people jump into positions just because they don’t want to be unemployed, resulting in unplanned or impulsive resignations after realizing they aren’t fit for the job. This will not look good for business as potential applicants may think that the company is not taking good care of its workers.

Emotional Intelligence

Sure, having a degree and possessing a lot of certifications are good. These show that you are smart, academically successful, and can easily understand the technicalities of the job. However, if you have a low emotional quotient (EQ) and can’t empathize or work harmoniously with bosses, co-workers, and entry-level employees, things might not work out for you.

Being emotionally intelligent inside the workplace is important as it enables you to handle intrapersonal relationships well. This means you can adjust your behavior depending on who you are talking to, easily take nonverbal cues, and lead your workmates when needed without showing bias or favoring people.

Those who have high EQ tend to be self-aware – they can effortlessly understand how their co-workers perceive them, resulting in managing their emotional reactions well when facing stressful work problems. They also know their strengths and weaknesses and use them to ace their job.

Moreover, emotionally intelligent people are highly-motivated. They see the good in every job they do, and this affects the workers around them as they influence them to have high spirits while working. Having someone like this in your company is great because it creates a positive work environment for all, lessening the stress or pressure others are feeling.


When it comes to hiring for higher managerial positions, the first thing that executive search firms in the Philippines look for is the potential employee’s experience. Unlike other job positions that may be applied to by fresh graduates or people changing their careers, these vacancies require expertise because the job they will be doing is more demanding. Furthermore, the skills needed are only acquired through years of doing a hands-on job and not by just attending classes.

However, it is essential to note that just because an applicant has the exact job title before does not mean they are a perfect fit for the vacancy you have. Some companies have the same job title, but their employees do completely different tasks than what you ask your employees to do. With this, there can be a mismatch if you do not interview them thoroughly.

What headhunters usually do is invite these experienced applicants to an interview where they ask questions specific to the tasks that they will be giving to the successful applicant. This way, they can see if the person applying has experience in those things rather than just relying on what their job titles say.


Many managerial and executive positions are highly stressful because the employees have bigger responsibilities. For instance, they make the final decisions, manage their employees' workload, and ensure everyone is doing their respective jobs. On top of that, some have to report directly to CEOs or founders, resulting in higher pressure to do things perfectly.

This is why it is critical to look for resiliency when interviewing potential employees. Resilience is the capacity of each person to bounce back from difficulties that come with their jobs. Moreover, it also shows how great a problem solver an employee is when faced with work-related challenges.

Without the ability to be resilient, an applicant cannot be hired in higher positions, as it will only result in resignation because of stress or fatigue, ultimately affecting the company’s daily operations. To avoid this, headhunters are tasked to give scenarios to applicants and ask them what they will personally do when placed in a stressful situation. Based on their answers, the recruiter will decide if they are qualified.


Being open-minded is a positive character quality that a potential employee must possess because it allows them to see things from different perspectives, and they accept these differences despite the beliefs they have.

As someone in a managerial position, when you are open to more things and ideas, you become a good leader. Your employees will not be afraid to voice their concerns and suggestions because they know you will not just shut them down and do things only you think are best. As a result, it builds a closer relationship within the team and promotes a harmonious working environment.

Similarly, for rank and file employees, being open-minded is a must, too, because being receptive to criticism is the best way to improve your work. When managers give feedback to their employees, they can easily understand what they might have done wrong and use what was said to ensure that they will not commit the same mistakes.

Recruitment Phases Executive Search Firms in the Philippines Go Through

Acquiring recruitment services is popular among businesses in the Philippines because it helps them keep up with their job vacancies and ensures that the employees they hire are the best of the best.

To serve these businesses, top executive search firms in the Philippines have established recruitment phases that they follow in order to give excellent applicant recommendations to their clients. Having this also allows them to build a big pool of talents, which becomes useful in the future in case the need for urgent hiring arises.

Identifying Hiring Needs

The first thing recruiters do is identify the vacant positions they need to fill. This includes knowing what experience, knowledge, and skills are needed for the role. By doing this, they can build a guide or list of what to look for when scanning the applicants. Hence, speeding up the recruitment process.

To identify the hiring needs, first, they figure out the gaps in your current team. They will check if there are new tasks that need to be filled by new employees. Moreover, they consult with managers if certain tasks are too much for a single employee and if they need more people to accomplish them.

On top of these, they also have to get in touch with how the current employees are doing. Recruiters may need to set up meetings to ask for employees’ feedback and satisfaction with the company. This will give them a clue whether some employees are planning to resign from their positions or are considering entertaining better job opportunities. By doing so, they can pool applicants who will replace the current employees even before they leave.

Preparing Job Descriptions

Thousands of job opportunities are being posted daily, and this can be overwhelming for some applicants. Having a detailed job description helps them know what specific experience, skills, and knowledge you are looking for, allowing them to determine whether they have a chance to be accepted.

To develop a good job description, recruiters must conduct in-depth research about the position. This is so they can develop job titles, duties and responsibilities, qualifications and skills, compensations, and benefits. Moreover, they have to know the non-negotiable skills and differentiate these from those that can be learned through training after they are accepted.

Talent Search

One can say that a talent search is the most critical part of the recruitment process. Headhunters must identify suitable applicants, attract them to read your offer, and encourage them to apply for vacancies.

Usually, recruiters use job portals to scan applicants. Afterward, they invite them on their own platform or for a personal interview in their offices to get to know the applicant better. On the other hand, some join job fairs to promote their vacancies in person.

Lastly, recruiters inform the current employees about the vacancy and ask for their referrals. Often, these people are already connected to those with the same experience, speeding up their process.

Screening and Shortlisting

Admittedly, screening applicants is easy once you have created a good job description. This is because recruiters can use it as a reference when scanning the resumes of their applicants.

Those with the required educational attainments, experience, and skills will be shortlisted and scheduled for an initial interview. Before the interview, some recruiters also email the applicants with basic questions that will determine whether they’ll push through with the application.

The email commonly asks if the applicant is currently employed and willing to resign if accepted. Moreover, they also ask if they would be able to relocate when the need arises. Lastly, they ask the expected salary of the applicant to know if they can provide it if they are successful in getting the position.


Shortlisted applicants are scheduled for a series of interviews to help determine if they can handle the job and whether they have the knowledge and experience to fulfill the role.

Commonly, recruiters set up three interviews for qualified candidates. The first one is the initial interview, where they can ask the applicant about their previous jobs. Afterward, an in-depth interview followed by an exam will be given to test the capabilities of the potential employee. Lastly, a panel interview is held, which will be attended by CEOs, managers, or founders to give them the chance to evaluate the candidate.

Evaluation and Offer of Employment

Once they pass all the interviews and evaluations, the successful candidates will receive a job offer. They can negotiate their expected salaries and other parts of the contract. Afterward, they can arrange when they will start working for the company.

As a bonus, some recruiters take time to introduce new hires to the company and help them familiarize themselves with their processes, culture, and environment.

Things To Remember When Working With a Headhunter in ManilaBe Clear With Your Needs

Setting clear goals is the key to making your partnership work. If the recruitment company knows what you want to achieve and how fast you want to do it, they will make extra effort to meet your expectations.

Consider Recruiters That Specialize in Your Field

Executive search firms have different specialties. Some are better at hiring people for the marketing industry, while others are more familiar with the IT industry. Knowing who to run to when it comes to specific or niche job vacancies will speed up your hiring process.

Trust the Professionals To Do Their Job

It is not ideal to micro-manage an executive search firm, especially when they have been in the business longer than other recruitment companies. You must trust them to deliver what they have promised, and always remember that you have partnered with them because of their expertise. Interfering with their established process might do more harm than good.

Rely on Our Executive Search Firm To Help You Find Experts in the Philippines

Q2 HR Solutions is a reputable executive search firm housing the best headhunters in Manila. Over the years, we have successfully found top candidates for hundreds of job positions in different industries, and we are ready to help your business once you partner with us! If you are interested, simply contact our team, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Managerial jobs and other higher positions are notably harder to fill because of the specific qualifications and extensive requirements. Therefore, it is only fitting to hire recruiters ready to scan through countless resumes to find the most suitable candidate for you.

Turn to Q2 HR Solutions now and allow us to be your personal search firm. With our knowledge and expertise, we are confident that we can deliver the perfect pool of employees for your business.