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5 Key Benefits of Hiring an Executive Recruiter To Help Fill Senior-Level Roles


For a company looking to hire an employee to play the role of an executive, it can be tempting to simply find the candidate yourself. However, there are plenty of unforeseen challenges that might make DIY hiring processes less effective and more resource-consuming than you might think.    

For one, hiring takes a lot of time and leaves so much room for mistakes, especially if you are not an expert who knows how to analyze the skills, personality, and career goals of a candidate.

Second, hiring an executive can be difficult if you lack the resources to reach the top dogs in the industry. Doing things by yourself will only bring you individuals who are actively looking for an offer. While some of them can be great, it is more likely that the most talented and fitting candidate for you is out there passively looking for an opportunity. It requires a certain level of network to reach out to these top executives and recruit them into your company.

These reasons are why most businesses rely on agencies like Q2 HR Solutions to provide executive recruitment services in the Philippines. Through our extensive network of industry-trained executives, our market-leading tools, and our highly efficient executive recruitment plan in the Philippines, we can help you find the best candidates with increased efficiency. 

Importance of Senior-Level Employees in an Organization

Unlike with entry-level employees, there is no room for mistakes when it comes to hiring an executive. The reason for this is that they play a huge role in driving the company towards a certain goal or direction. To fail in finding the right candidates equals jeopardizing the entirety of your business.

Establishes Business Plans and Strategies

Strategic planning is an organizational process that defines the goal of a company by determining its intended direction. It is important for a business to have a plan since it would help guide the decision-makers and employees in executing projects and performing their daily tasks.

According to an expert from Harvard Business School, executives play a huge part in setting the early stages of strategic planning in motion. They are the ones responsible for determining the vision of the organization and identifying the guiding principles behind the ethos, mission, and operational goals of the company.    

Once these principles are defined, the executive sets the strategic priorities, organizational-wide goals, and performance measures of the company.   

Oversees Company’s Financial Status

Managing and overseeing the financial status of a company are some of the things expected from an executive, especially one who is in the position of chief financial officer (CFO). This individual is responsible for performing tasks such as financial reporting, financial planning, financial risk management, signing checks, analyzing financial data, and record keeping.

Having an executive to manage the finances of your company brings the assurance that all the funds will be distributed to the right channels. An executive understands where to allocate the budget to generate the most income and meet the desired key performance indicators (KPI) of the company. 

Plays a Big Role in Employee Retention

According to the experts from the Development Dimensions International (DDI), 57% of employees leave the company because of their managers. From this record, it is easy to see how much an executive could affect their subordinates’ decision to leave or stay in a company.

Executives are responsible for shaping the day-to-day experience of an employee. Their decisions and planning affect the experience of their team. Therefore, if an executive fails to recognize the needs of their subordinates and create an employee engagement plan, the company will fail in achieving its goals.  

Challenges of Filling In Executive Roles

There is a reason why companies opt to hire executive recruitment service providers in the Philippines instead of taking the time to find the right candidates themselves. In the section below, we will explore the challenges of filling in executive roles.  

Fewer Applicants

Unlike entry-level and mid-level jobs that receive hundreds of applications per job post, an executive position has a relatively small talent pool. If it does have applicants, only a small percentage of those are actually qualified for the job. This gives companies very few options to choose from, especially if they have a niche industry.  

Tough Competition

Since there are very few qualified candidates for executive-level roles, you can expect tough competition against other companies. You need to make sure that you can offer competitive salaries and benefits. Moreover, the work culture in your company should be good enough that an executive would want to join it.

Misaligned Values

What most companies fail to understand is that a lot of experienced employees rarely prioritize salary over their values. In an article published by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Cheryl Field Tyler said that the values that companies espouse as well as how they react to certain issues, can affect the behavior of their workers. She then continued to say that only one out of four employees will accept a job knowing that there is a misalignment in their values and ethics.

Benefits of Hiring an Executive Recruiter

Instead of leading your executive hiring process on your own, you should work with executive search companies in the Philippines to boost your chances of finding the right candidate. Here are some of the benefits of hiring executive recruiters that you should know:

Higher Chances of Finding the Best Candidates

Simply posting about an opening on your page or employment website is not enough. The top talents are mostly passive when it comes to looking for opportunities. Thus, it takes more effort to reach out to them. With executive recruitment services in the Philippines, you can take advantage of the candidate database that headhunters have and discover the best talents that you wouldn’t usually find in job portals.

In addition to this, executive recruitment firms are impartial when it comes to screening candidates. We make sure that every talent is selected based on their merits by eliminating unconscious biases related to race, ethnicity, gender, or age. This gives you a diverse option of qualified talents.

Expertise in Filling Executive-Level Roles

Headhunters are experts when it comes to finding the most suitable candidates for your company. We have a wealth of the most advanced tools, networks, and executive recruitment strategies in the Philippines that could guide you to the right people.

Our hiring process goes beyond just finding the most experienced and qualified candidates. We take recruitment to the next level by making sure that the values, goals, and vision of the applicants align with your organization. The thorough research, sourcing, and background checking that our experts do make it possible for us to provide clients with the most compatible candidates. 


You might think that you are saving money by doing the recruitment yourself, but that might not be the case at all. Here’s a rundown of the possible costs of hiring that most companies aren’t aware of:

  • HR Team Costs

  • Job Board Fees

  • Background Checks

  • Onboarding and Training

  • Acquisition Channels

  • IT Equipment Costs

All of these costs are already a nightmare to deal with not to mention that it also takes a lot of time. Businesses already spend 40% of their time working on tasks that don’t generate income and you wouldn’t want to add hiring to that. By working with recruitment agencies, you can focus all your efforts on your core activities while we handle finding the right people.

Helps Fill Open Positions Quicker

The average time it takes to hire an executive-level employee is somewhere between four months to one year, especially if it’s for a niche industry with a small talent pool. Not every company can wait this long. That’s why they opt to hire headhunters.  

Recruitment agencies or headhunters already have a candidate database and a network of high-level talents that they can reach out to. This makes it easier for you to find the most compatible C-suite employee for your company. Moreover, headhunters have an effective executive recruitment plan in the Philippines that makes it easier to scale the market for suitable talents.

Upholds Brand Image

Recruitment agencies reduce the risk of bad hires with background checks and extensive interviews. These interviews are tailored to filter candidates with compatible backgrounds, experiences, values, goals, and skills so they can uphold the brand image of your company.

As for background screening, we run a thorough examination of the candidate’s information and qualification through the following services.

  • Employment Verification

  • Character Reference Check

  • Education Verification

  • Credit Check

  • Global Data Search

  • Civil Litigation

  • Identity Check

  • Address Verification

  • Criminal Record Check

Turn to Experienced Executive Recruitment Service Providers in the Philippines

Minimize the risk, cost, and time it takes to hire an executive and allow the experts to find the right people for you. Q2 HR Solutions is a Philippine-based executive recruitment agency with a talent pool filled with highly qualified individuals that could bring success to your company.

FAQs About Executive Recruitment Services

What Can I Expect From an Executive Recruiter?

You can expect an executive recruiter to work with you in identifying the needs of your company so they can draw up the best qualification for a candidate. Moreover, you can expect a shorter period of time in recruitment with a higher success rate.

What Questions Do Executive Recruiters Ask?

A recruiter might ask you about the qualifications you are looking for, the values of your company, your work culture, and the salary and benefits that you are willing to offer. Other questions might include details such as the challenges that your company is currently facing or your expectation from your executive-level employees. 

How Do I Choose an Executive Recruiter?

You must choose an executive recruiter based on their expertise in your industry, network, credibility, recruitment strategy, commitment to diversity, transparency in the process, and ability to accommodate your company’s preferences.


Hiring a recruitment agency for your headhunting and executive search needs comes with plenty of benefits. It eliminates the risks, reduces efforts, lowers the cost, and maximizes the time needed to find the most compatible candidates based on your company’s requirements.  

With the help of a recruitment agency like Q2 HR Solutions, you can get access to some of the Philippines’ most qualified executives. Contact us now and find your partner in success today! You can also join us in our upcoming HRIcon event to get the latest news and insights from experts in the field of human resources.