Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Employee Engagement Across The Quarantine Miles

Though the government has already started moving towards less stringent lockdown policies, the Philippines has yet to get back to the pre-pandemic normal. Most companies are still on some form of remote work set-up with an end date still uncertain. After almost two years under some form of quarantine, it is inevitable that some employees are feeling more and more detached from their coworkers and less engaged. So the question still remains: how do you make sure that your employees remain engaged and driven to be productive virtually after all this time?

Here are a few things you can do to make sure your team remains motivated while working from home.


One of the perks of on-site work are those moments spent chit-chatting at the proverbial water cooler. They provide a much-needed break from the work routine while also allowing for a more casual collaboration where some of the best ideas are sometimes born. Make sure you encourage your team to have these water cooler chats even when working remotely. Plan group meals together via zoom where you can catch up on each other’s lives or even talk casually about ongoing projects. These will provide lighter moments during the workday and give your employees a much-needed bonding opportunity even across the miles.


This is not the time to be stingy with praise. When all your employees see of each other are lines in a chat room, and they’re left celebrating their successes alone at home, it’s important that you give recognition even for the smallest wins. This is true across your entire team, from the most junior intern to the senior executives. It lets them know that even remotely, everyone’s efforts are appreciated and celebrated.

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They say it’s always nice to see a friendly face. This is true even with work meetings. Make sure there’s one team meeting weekly or monthly where everybody is required to turn on their video camera. This removes the impersonality of virtual meetings. It will also be the closest way to simulate the old team meetings in the conference room.


Though you will be tempted to make sure they can account for every minute of every workday, this is really not the time for that. Instead, focus on the big picture. Are they achieving their goals? Are they making significant contributions to the business? Everyone has developed their system of remote work that suits their surroundings, their personality, and their skill sets. It isn’t how it gets done that matters, but rather the fact that things get done, goals are met and the company grows.


These can be one-on-one, or in small groups, whichever works best for your team. What’s important is that you provide a venue to check in on each person—their mindset, their concerns, their challenges—and provide a supportive stance. Let them know that though they are working alone, they are still part of a team that values not just their performance but values them as people too.

We still have no clear idea when or even if we will ever go back to some form of normal, but the work must go on. What matters now is ensuring that every member of your team stays connected, remains engaged, and continues to be motivated no matter what your work set-up is.

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