Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies

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Beating the Burnout: Employee Benefit Ideas That Can Help

Incessant work demands take an overwhelming toll on your employees. They end up dissatisfied and disinterested in daily tasks at work. You might already have an idea about what this occupational phenomenon is, yup, it’s called burnout.

According to the World Health Organization, burnout is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance and feelings of negativism from the job and reduced professional efficiency. It’s a lived reality for many workers where their work environment and engagement exhaust them on all levels mental, physical, and emotional. These cause reduced productivity and higher staff turnover.

What might be the perfect response to this? As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. It’s a principle in modern healthcare that can very well be an effective workplace code. Do not let your work environment have unresolvable conditions that negatively affect the state of your employees’ well-being.

To do so, you might have to learn to spot the common causes behind this workplace phenomenon. From there, you fashion out preventive solutions—benefits that can enliven your employees’ motivation. Here are some examples:

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Problem: Inadequate compensation is a major cause of burnout. It’s when employees feel that their degree of ease at work does not rightfully tally with the merit and reward they get. This leads to discontent and a lack of enthusiasm. But high demands at work can be unavoidable, so you have to extend frameworks that will guarantee your employees that they are not being taken advantage of.

Solution: Put in place attractive compensation benefits. It can be employee bonuses based on performance. Incentivizing the accomplishment of certain goals can vitalize employees and can build the habit of producing quality work. Paid leaves can also be a reassuring benefit to employees. It puts forward the value your company has on their health, well-being, and lifestyle balance. This helps build reliable interest in their work.

Problem: Demanding and unfavourable work environment. How is your workplace managed? Do you communicate well the values your company upholds? Employee burnout can come from feelings of lack of purpose due to unclear leadership and ineffective management style. It can also come from the fact that they see their workplace as their stress zone—a place for constant work only.

Solution: It’s important to identify the appropriate management style representative of your company's value. Perhaps an autocratic style of management makes your employees feel repressed and pressured. Maybe they would feel more relaxed when open communication is encouraged.

Other ways to make your workplace more friendly are through wellness programs and office perks that provide effective breaks for your employees. Motivation sessions, games, and activities on-site are some of the most overlooked benefits that can improve the well-being of your employees. You can start by making internal surveys about what activities they think can help invigorate their spirits!

Problem: Lack of suitable benefits for Millennials and Gen Z that are steadily taking over the workforce. It’s time that work benefits are realigned to soothe their common stressors.

Solution: You can zero in on the fact that they are digital natives. Equip them with efficient and latest devices that they can smoothly work with. This is a workplace benefit that can save them from inconveniences that often add to the pile of stressors around them. Student loan assistance can also be key in saving them from burnout. This has been one of the pressing causes of stress that they inevitably bring to work. It is a guaranteed enticing prospect for young jobseekers and encourages loyalty to retain employees.

To secure efficiency in performance, here at Q2, we know to place value on our people’s well-being. We promote engagement and growth. To do this, we recognize that the figures operating our business are humans whose health is indispensable. We can help you foster the same care for your employees. In this way, your and your employees’ journey to success will be that of a reciprocal relationship of giving.